Represented by Number 4, Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, is an eccentrically banded giant, more than four times the size of Earth. Though Sir William Herschel is officially said to have discovered Uranus in 1781, John Flamstead, Astronomer Royal of England who built Greenwich observatory was the actual discoverer in the year 1690 itself. Flamstead was not just an astronomer but a well-known Astrologer too! Interestingly, the basic character of Uranus, as described in Astrological sciences, that is to say, affecting the life and career of humans, especially people in public life or celebrities, eclipsed Flamstead’s discovery also! Such is the mysterious and unexpected way Uranus acts!
Uranus takes about seven years orbiting each sign of Zodiac and together with Neptune decides the mundane affairs on this earth affecting politics, science, religion and natural resources in general, and also super natural abilities in specific. Both are said to be “Karmic” in nature in the sense, their cosmological vibrations affect the life on the earth in a way that the cause and effect seem to be unpredictable!
Uranus is malefic, sometimes more malefic than Saturn or Mars. Revolution, unexpected changes in life, disease, natural calamities, violent changes in the countries, unusual behavior, evil desires, communal or racial unrest - are attributed to the unfavorable zodiacal journey of Uranus. Though a policeman or a criminal - both follow the cult of violence in the literal sense, we know that the former saves our lives but the latter does not. Thus, a Uranus person could be a cop, or a criminal! If we analyse the positive "swing" of Uranus's vibrations on us we understand from the ancient texts that Uranus bestows many good things for a happy mundane life. Understanding the mysteries of life, skills of writing (on subjects like occultism, crime detection etc.,) espionage, mathematics, military strategies, poetry, religion, adventures and metaphysics are subjects in which they easily shine. They are revolutionaries in their own way and we can find more number of people under Number 4 category who “cause” a war or a revolution than those who are actually involved in it. Their style of functioning is peculiar or unique, whichever field they are placed in. They have sudden changes in their lives - so sudden that they themselves may not foresee it. Though they look egotistic, selfish or rude outwardly, their healing touch to the suffering humanity is known only to those who closely watch them or understand them. Those who are selfish or greedy do get money or wealth but squander it sooner or later. But those who are philanthropic and god-fearing, though called “misers” at times, are great souls who provide permanent help to the needy. They only want to ensure that their sympathy remains with those who deserve it.
With benign Destiny numbers and Name Numbers adding to the positive vibrations of this Birth Number, these Number 4 people may become icons to the posterity. Now let us study the lives of people with Birth Number 4 (born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st any month)
Date - 4 The birth dates do not categorically suggest a particular profession to those born on any specific date due to the fact that interaction among nations and free exchange of ideas have already revolutionized the concept of free trade and employment. But, the birth dates under the enigmatic planet Uranus suggest one thing in common about these people. Revolution or renaissance marks Uranus and those born on the 4th prove it. They are found in all walks of life, -politics, religion, business, scientific research or mathematics, military or literature and music. They are basically bold and brave and strive hard to innovate and improve the system of which they are a part. Like all other number 4 people (born on the 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month), they have an insatiable desire to research into any subject they handle and experiment with the results they arrive at. Unlike the number 3 people, the service of this lot to the mankind catches the immediate attention of the world in most cases. Extreme sports or histrionics both offer vocations to them. Success comes to them only when they do not express their anger and offend others. If they succumb to the temptation of exhibiting their emotions or bad temper, they may miss golden opportunities to promote their own interest.
Date - 13 These persons are bold and forthright. In nation-building, industrial enterprises, religion and politics their opinions cause a flutter. Unexpected changes, positive or negative, are bound to happen in their lives. Destiny leads them to such situations that they may have to take sides in any dispute, even if they do want to stay neutral. In some not-much-known fields, they would venture and surprisingly become successful. A few of them even become heads of such organisations. But in any walk of life they involve themselves, they become trendsetters and enjoy lasting fame, until somebody who was close to them causes a problem. In some cases it could be someone from the opposite sex. They hold some vital information about their own trade or about other people’s activities. Sometimes, they espouse a wrong cause or support wrong persons, but are quick to dump them, if need be. Some people of this category use their charms to their advantage and become comparatively more successful than others born on Number 4 dates. At times, their actions prove to be puzzling and present an interesting study.
Date - 22 Either path-breaking inventions or hair-splitting intrigues, those who are born on the 22nd are very capable of doing. There are umpteen number of people under this category who have contributed to the improvement of lives of their countrymen and added value to their country’s economy. At the same time, those with negative vibrations have wrought havoc on the society. one thing is certain –good or bad, they are efficient strategists and their power of speech and concerted action come handy in what they choose to do. They have an in-born ability to calculate the profit and loss even before they indulge in any business (it is interesting to note that a good number of prodigious mathematicians, professional soldiers and bravest revolutionaries are born on 22nd!). There is no job or business these people cannot do and almost all of them easily win acclaim and success in their chosen profession. If as businessmen their activities transcend geographical borders, as religious personalities or teachers of morals they fathom the murky depths of human minds. (When we discuss in general, the personalities born on various birth dates, we will be certainly surprised to note that the date 22nd has myriad characters, from both the extremes! For example, Robert Oppenheimer was instrumental in designing atom bombs dropped on Japan, but on observing the destruction it caused, he became the most vociferous protester of nuclear weapons. He was born on 22nd April).
Date - 31 Though a few of those born on this date choose the subtle professions like fine arts, cinema etc., a good number of people tend to become politicians and administrators. Interestingly, they rise to top positions using not only their innate skill of judging people and situations but also their ability to persuade or even coerce. As rulers of states or administrators or even as military leaders, they exhibit a rare sense of purpose and dutifulness. Disappointments do not deter them from doing their duty or discourage them. What is intriguing to a neutral observer of their life is that at any one stage during their life time, their own compatriots may ditch them or part ways. In sports, literature or occultism they innovate and attain stunning success. With favorable destiny and name numbers, they become so famous and successful that posterity would wonder if these people had been doing things using their intuitive ability or with the help of some divine powers. Yet there are occasions in their lifetime that cause concern and anxiety when their plans do not succeed. (The negative types under this number are also successful,-at least temporarily, only to ruin the world first and ruin themselves later). Unexpected turns in their lives are common, but they have the ability to conceal their emotions and forge ahead, though not always. The one important lesson the world learns from the lives of the persons born on the 31st day of any month is that they leave a legacy which must be followed and improved for the benefit of mankind.
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