Your Fadic / Life Path Numbers

Your Life Path Number

If you are born on June 23rd 1955, you can add all the digits , 2+3+0+6+1955 and you get 31/4 as the Life Path Number. 

This person has a Life Path Number 31 and 4. The double digit number (31) is called the Integral Fadic Number.

Now that you got it look up the number and their meaning!

Advanced Technique:
  • In order to get a higher Life Path Number then you reduce your year of birth once and don't reduce your day or month of birth

      6 + 23 + 1955
                             = 6 + 23 + 20
                                                   = 49 is the Fadic Number

10/ 1 
You will find that luck and success come your way easily. You have a deep understanding of your own nature and may feel you have lived before and learned much about yourself. You are unique, you have much to teach those around you and stand out as a strong individual with a depth of inner resources beyond the norm. You like to see your plans succeed and may have many of these. You will, however, take one thing at a time, working to achieve success and then moving on to the next goal. You are very much in touch with yourself and this inner power expresses itself in the outer world, often creating reverence, respect and a little fear amongst others. 

11/ 2. 
Although 11 is one of the Master numbers it's useful to explore the vibrations that it also contains as a component number of 2. This combination gives deeply intuitive powers; you experience a sense of consciousness beyond the self and can draw on a deep level of universal knowledge. You may experience clairvoyance or prophetic dreams. You can also be idealistic and the number 11 will give you great leadership powers. At the same time the ability to work to achieve balance is incredibly important to you. Legal work will appeal to you, especially that which promotes social justice. While you seek to benefit others and may shy from leadership you will actually excel at the latter and may receive great recognition or reward for your effort.

12/ 3. 
This number is where 1 and 2 become 3. It is in many cases a number that begets a strange personality. You'll incorporate individuality with a centered, balanced nature and the ability to get along with everybody you meet. Others will seek you for guidance, insight and peace and you will be able to deliver this clearly and with lucidity. You not only have a deep connection with your spiritual and intuitive side but with the wider, material world. This can make you seem odd to others, seeking both spiritual peace and material, worldly pleasure. This is however the sign of a deeply evolved spirit who understand that the needs of the body and the mind must both be met in order to achieve balance. 12 is a number that represents experience (think the 12 signs of the zodiac) while the 3 represents youthfulness and sociability. This explains why people with this combination are at one and the same time deeply (anciently) wise and youthful, fun-loving at the same time. You can be an enigma to others but will retain a deep serenity within yourself.

13/ 4. 
Esoterically 13 is viewed to represent “Death” but this is a widely mis-held misconception. Symbolically it is better described as a state of change. For the practical, constructive 4 this number influences them in just that way. They build in order to change, they destroy in order to build or create something better. 13 will reverberate through your life by causing changes to be frequent. You may find that whenever you have found peace through creating something new, you will find changes in your life which mean you must now move on to the next project. Change and transformation are key elements of this combination and lost causes can be revived and given new life by those under the influence of this number. They may also be destroyed if they have no practical use! This is a powerful combination and can be expressed in both positive and negatives ways. Stagnation is deathly for those under this vibration and should be avoided at all costs. 

14/ 5. 
Inspired practicality combining to create an inquiring, restless soul. The 1 here expresses individuality and clarity of view, the 4 real, practical skills and the 5 needs constant stimulation. Writers, journalists and investigators may find these numbers in their charts. This number bestows a truly vivid imagination but one that understands realities of life. It can create “real” worlds on paper or screen. There is a strong pull to the sensual with this number and those born under its influence can quite literally exhaust themselves through exploration of the sensual pleasures of the world. This should be guarded against as it may lead to a jaded, bored outlook. New ideas and objects will be equally important to you and a strong need to experience the new for yourself will drive you. This number needs a mix of intellectual and practical pursuits and finding the right balance (without overdoing either) will be essential. 

15/ 6. 
This number brings an ability to assimilate knowledge in both an academic and emotional way. An excellent student, in life you seek to acquire knowledge in order to create stability, wealth and comfort. You may develop a strong need for status and the trappings of wealth and security (which are well within your capabilities to achieve) but you may use your intellect and understanding of other's emotions to manipulate your way to these ends. Because material comfort, security and the home are important to you may take obstacles and set-backs as serious personal threats. Learn to laugh in the face of difficulties and to work with others constructively to achieve success.

16/ 7. 
This can be a difficult number and path to fall under the influence of. Yet it can also be extremely powerful. 1 is the number of the individual, 6 of the family and security. 1 seeks independence and cares little for convention, 6 seeks peace and harmony. Together they create the 7 which is deeply philosophical with an incisive intellect and wit. Learning and truth are important but there is a strong emotional element to the combination. Those who have the influence in one of their numbers may experience many material and financial challenges, some which they may have brought on themselves through a conflict within. Learning to act in accordance with the needs of all of these different motivations is key to developing the magnetism and force that 7 eventually embodies. Inspiration and understanding of the self and the world often come in a flash of knowledge – a flash that can be blinding and destructive or brilliant and illuminating. 

17/ 8. 
Intuitive, scientific, a solver of mysteries. This combination brings together inspiration, depth of thought and a high level of wisdom. Your intellect will be where you start to solve problems but a deeper knowledge will bring you solutions. This is probably the best number to be influenced by if you are a detective! Isolation, meditation and peace are also strong requirements that this number will bring to you. You must withdraw frequently to find the answers that you'll seek. The questions may have importance to others or simply to you. When you have the answers, however, they'll leave you with a much greater understanding of the world around you and, after all, knowledge is power. Stubborn, doubting and sometimes pessimistic, you should seek to dispel these traits through active research and learning. 

18/ 9. 
Intensely emotional with a vivid inner life and also a very physically active person is the type denoted by this combination. You are deeply attuned to dreams and may find that this provide you with a great deal of understanding. In this case the 1 and 8 combine intuition and wisdom which means you may act on hunches (correctly) more than other people. This gives you an uncanny ability to get things right first time and to find that obstacles evaporate as you approach. Conquest is important to you and you enjoy physical activity which contains an element of this (climbing high mountains, swimming large lakes, running long distances!). Mountaineering in particular may appeal and distance sports which require physical stamina will be good for you. Your love of benefiting humanity is naturally strong and you'll work in all of your endeavors in this cause. Your intuition and mental abilities are actually fed by your physical health and this is an important aspect to remember.

19/ 1. 
Leadership is innate to 1 and service is innate to 9. Public service in government, or even the military, is a perfect path for those under the influence of this number. Leadership here is sought through the ability to inspire and serve and this path is one that creates a local government leader, a prime minister or a president. In a corporate setting you'll also do well and find yourself at the top. Endurance comes with this combination, physical and mental, both drawn from hidden inner resources. You'll work tirelessly to achieve great results for those you serve. This personal power and leadership is an attractive combination and you'll attract both wealth and inspire love in many. 

20/ 2. 
Life will be full of decisions for those falling under this number. The cycle will be repetitive and may be frustrating. This number must achieve balance and do so through analysis of the facts. Along with decisions, you'll find that life constantly offers you choices. Again, it's essential that you learn to make balanced decisions. All of this creates a life in which challenge and change are constant features and, as the ultimate decision maker, you have the power to have a great impact on the world around you. Controlling that world is important to you and beware of the danger of becoming too controlling in personal relationships. 

21/ 3. 
This is a combination which bestows luck, success and charm. You express traits of organization, accuracy and openness. Patience is another crucial part of this number and using patience, organization and natural talent you'll find yourself in a popular position in many areas of your life. Expression is another aspect of this number and artists in many different fields have this combination within their charts. They combine the analytical skills of the 2 with the inspiration of 1 and the resulting communicative skills are demonstrated by the 3. Planning, executing and sharing the results will come naturally to you. Success, while not assured with this combination, is highly likely. 

22/ 4. 
The Master Number 22 can also be expressed as 4. In this case it indicates wealth and prosperity based on real solid foundations. You will use the resources around you to great effect; these resources can include other people. 22 suggests great abilities at solving problems; you'll analyze well and find it easy to come to solutions. Problems that others have found impossible will be solved with little apparent effort by you. When you have the solution you'll also know how to find the resources to put it into action. This number may be found in the chart of engineers and innovative builders but it can also be found in those working in a wider range of fields including surgery and a medical setting. Making things work, or making them work again, is what you do best.

23/ 5. 
Agile, a love of connecting with others and a nature that needs to explore new places. Physical strength is often a feature of this combination along with the stamina to go with it. While this may suggest athletes and sporting heroes, the energy of this number is subtler. Communication of complex ideas is a key part of the number and also exposure to the public. PR and communications roles often will be a great setting to utilize these skills. There is a fieriness to this personality – one that can flare up suddenly but it only an expression of a natural honesty and exuberant energy. It's worth learning to control this in some settings, however! A need for, and love of, change is no bad thing but learning to ensure that each new project and challenge develops you in some way is important.

24/ 6. 
Well balanced and intrinsically practical with a love of home and family. This combination bodes well for a successful, secure future. Home is important but balance and happiness are also key here. You'll enjoy material comfort and have all the necessary skills to achieve a real, tangible sense of this. You may enjoy showing it off but your pride is often most apparent in the achievements of those who you support (your family). Those with this combination make good partners in any sense (business or domestic) and will work to achieve results through practical means. Completion of projects is important to you and you'll see things through however many obstacles may come your way. This combination is about material success in the world – but for all the right reasons!

25/ 7. 
While 2 is deeply analytical, 5 expresses a more intuitive knowledge. 7 itself encapsulates problem solving and incisive thinking. Overall the characteristics of this combination work well to create an individual who is highly intelligent. This intelligence is, however, not simply through academic resources (although they will be important to you) but through gut feeling. The number describes well the brilliant mind who has an emotional intelligence as well. Attention to detail and well developed observational skills all combine in this number to leave others with a sense that you are clairvoyant or psychic. Your mind is constantly alert and seeks constant stimulation. This can lead you to be restless and can often give you a strong need to move on to pastures new on an intellectual level. You may need to learn to focus your efforts more discerningly and find subjects or projects that allow you lots of stimulation without a need to drop them mid-way through in search of the new!

26/ 8. 
This number is one of challenge; you may face numerous problems which must be resolved in order to find success. You must learn from experience if this number is in your chart. However, you'll be motivated by a strong desire for power, for domination and control. You will normally understand that these can only be achieved through analysis and through perseverance. There is something impulsive in this combination and this may be a trait to be aware of. Learn to look before you leap and examine the options as, once you've committed to a project, you'll not settle until it is completed. The wisdom you develop through this process will, in the end, prove your strongest asset. While careers in which your skills are useful are wide, teaching, lecturing or passing on knowledge in any setting, will be good for you.

27/ 9. 
2 brings a search for balance, combined with the ability to see both sides of an argument while 7 brings an incisive intellect. The combination creates a powerful intuitive nature which can take you far in life. The mind in this case is creative, sharp and able to find more than one solution and also to use any of them. This number also brings with it the need to help others and the ability to accept people as they are. You are idealistic in some senses about the world but able to accept others openly. Your intuition means that you are less vulnerable than most to manipulation and can often manipulate rather well, yourself! You may be deeply interested in spiritual matters but will be most interested in the help and healing they can bring to others. This number can represent a missionary, a diplomat or a business leader.

28/ 1. 
This number combines ambition, leadership, inspirational and diplomatic qualities. Here the 2 acts as a foundation for the wisdom and ambition encapsulated in the 8, while the reduced number brings inspirational creativity and individuality. Never fooled by preconceived ideas you can quickly understand how things really work. You can quickly evaluate any situation and see how to take control of it. This number has a great deal of vitality to it. The success that it suggests is built not only on your own abilities but by being able to understand those of others around you. You may use others to achieve success but you'll be fair in doing so and help them to benefit as well. This number is fast to act and can be reckless and can trust (or overestimate) others too quickly.

29/ 11. 
As 29 reduces to 11 (a Master Number) we do not reduce it further to 2. However, those with this number should also read the description for that number as it is encapsulated within the combination on several levels. This can be a number of challenge and test. Boundless energy is found in this combination and the ability to see very clearly both the realities of this world and beyond. Visionary, mystical and yet with a desire (and ability) to succeed in the real, practical world. While 2 (the base number in this combination) is not a leadership number, 11 most definitely is. This can lead you to an inner conflict which you must learn to resolve and also to develop a way in which you can take the lead when necessary but support when this is required. Again, choices and decisions will dominate your life. Accessing your deeper, spiritual self, will be an important part of how you address these matters. Learn to look beyond yourself and then lead others on the best path.

30/ 3. 
A trinity of gifts will be yours in life. The ability to express yourself, an ease at acquiring material success and an ability to reach out to others. You will always seek perfection and may fall short of your own expectations, though others will easily see your brilliance. Center stage is a natural place for you although this stage could be one in a theatrical sense or the operating theater. Your need for perfection means that you will throw yourself into any career with enthusiasm and achieve that central role, in whatever field. Your natural ability to communicate means that a secondary role as a teacher may appeal later in life. Material success is easy for you but you may turn your back on it and seek spiritual knowledge at some point in your life.

31/ 4. 
Outgoing, individual and practical; this number is also highly competitive. You work amongst many people and have to be the best! Your practical skills will set you on the right path to achieve dominance but the influences in this number can not only be competitive but combative. You may have to fight your corner on many occasions and will feel passionately about doing this. A soldier may find themselves with this number in their chart and anyone with this combination must be capable of standing up for themselves. One lesson that this number requires of us is that nobody is an island; cooperation along with competition will help you achieve real, practical results. This is the number of an individual who can work with others to create great results.

32/ 5. 
This number is associated with love – in the sense of a dutiful love. You wish to bring people together in peace and to reach out to the world. You have the strongest sense of duty and a need to serve. This number is found denoting great spiritual leaders and prophets. It's purpose is to draw the world together and create harmony. Charity and work with the disadvantaged will appeal to you strongly and can offer the opportunities that the 5 element (a need for change and travel) will demand. Thanks to the nature that you express help will often come your way, help to achieve projects which benefit others. Material success is unlikely to interest you, unless you can use it to improve the lot of people around you. You will often find yourself stood at a crossroads, with the courage to choose the right way ahead and a lot of people willing to follow you. There are times where this can lead to a sense of (and accusations of) superiority and it's important to be aware of this in your life.

33/ 6. 
As with all numbers containing 3 there is element of wider social understanding in this Master Number. In this case it is a self-sacrificing need to save others. This can be a deeply challenging number and one which requires you to give much of yourself to others. You seek wholeness and completion – mainly for others – and will make a great teacher or speaker. You may often find that tasks of great importance are assigned to you and positions of great (and terrifying) responsibility. Humanitarian work will be important to you – probably something, in fact, that you will be unable to avoid. You have all the energy and courage that you need to rise to the challenges you face but you may find that thanks does not readily come your way. This can affect you negatively and lead to anxiety, exhaustion and regret. It is important to find the role which allows you to improve the world and one that you are happy to take on with little or no thanks.

34/ 7 
This number encapsulates development. Again, as with other 3 numbers this is about development for all. However, you seek practical solutions to problems. Creating better living conditions for others may well suit you in order to create lives where harsh practicalities are removed to give time for learning or development of different kinds. You aim to improve the world and you understand that material wealth, spiritual wealth and intellectual wealth are all necessary for others. You make practical solutions in other's lives to make this possible. Often this number will mean that spirituality is a founding part of your personality and you are introspective as well as deeply practical. You need time alone to come to theoretical solutions and work best on practical projects when doing so with groups. Conflict can distress you because you see it as unpractical and therefore lacking use.

35/ 8. 
Wealth and power often accompany this number and may be inherited. This is also a sociable number and you will enjoy working with others and playing with them as well. Constant change feeds your soul and you'll not be fond of living a settled life, luckily you will often you'll find the funds to travel will be at your disposal. A wide and changing social circle is important to those with this number in their chart and this can mean that the business world attracts them. Wealth and power will also draw you to business and success will be easy. Your naturally inquisitive nature will will also be a big driver and this inquisitiveness may lead you to pry and gossip more than is good for you!

36/ 9. 
These three numbers all embody a great deal of strength individually, and combined that power is multiplied. Strong people often have to carry heavy, difficult loads and if your life is ruled by this combination that is almost certainly going to be the case. You'll be a repository of secrets belonging to others, you'll have to protect many people and support them. Often this can be emotionally and financially draining. Luckily you will find the strength and resources to do so within yourself. Intuition and inspiration are embedded in this combination and you'll always know when somebody needs help and also how to provide that help. You will, as your reward, be surrounded by love in life and you will return this love willing. Your view of life will generally be rounded and you will never approach people with preconceptions or a negative frame of mind. You will be required to give much in life but you will receive as much back in the longer term.

37/ 1. 
This number is loving, reserved and mature in its basic elements. Individual, creative, inspirational and communicative it may often be found in the charts of those who work in the arts. They often demonstrate a commanding personality (and do like to be in a position of power). This can be domineering sometimes but generally this number combination suggests a love of people. Although reserved and quiet in some circumstances, the quick wit and desire to inspire respect found in you will make you deeply popular and well loved by many. You can communicate new ideas well and will often feel the need to express yourself in images rather than words. You also draw on the experience of others, analyzing these and expressing them in new ways.

38/ 11. 
This expression of the Master Number 11 brings visionary power, abundance and widespread exposure. You have the power to make intangible dreams real, to earn security and material wealth from your own inspirational ideas and to enthuse others with real passion for your ideas. A creator, inventor and initiator are the roles that you will fulfill. You see beyond the apparent and the physical to other realms and you understand the needs of wider social groups instinctively. You can provide solutions to problems that others have not recognized and this puts you in a unique position. Where you achieve wealth, which is likely, you'll fully enjoy the benefits; however, as you have a need to benefit others with everything you have, charity and philanthropic work will become important to you as you grow older.

39/ 3. 
The philosopher who must serve all is a good way to look at this combination. Although gentle and accepting you desire change to benefit the world around you. You will often be surrounded by people and this is comfortable for you – though you will prefer to listen than talk on many occasions. Your gentle, poetic nature draws many people to you who wish to learn from your broad understanding of the world. Your knowledge is often deep and you are selfless in sharing it. Teachers and spiritual leaders are often found with this combination. Where you find injustice you will, despite your generally gentle nature, fight fiercely to combat it. Statuesque, when crusading for the greater good, you provide inspirational and yet humble leadership for others. When you take on a cause it will nearly always succeed.

40/ 4. 
This number will manifest in order; everything about your life will be ordered to the finest degree. Some may find this obsessive (it can express in this way) or controlling. However, for you it is necessary for everything to not only have a place but to be in that place. Methodical and analytical, you build strong structures in your life. This means strong relationships, strong homes, strong careers, strong foundations for wealth and success. Your planning is so meticulous that it's unlikely you'll fail in these endeavors. There may be a rigidity to your thinking but you may need the structure this provides. Obstacles can appear in your life frequently – these will, however, be removed by a slow and steady process until you can move forward. You are reliable, dependable and known for doing what you say and achieving what you promise; this number tends toward eccentric behavior and thoughts.

41/ 5 
In this aspect the desperate desire for change that is often encapsulated by the number 5 is tempered by the practical inspiration that 41 brings. You'll find that you constantly initiate change yourself, as you are an inspirational and original thinker. However mad the project or unlikely it may seem you bring your practical skills and abilities to the task. The sharp and creative mind that this number bestows means that a life filled with change can be lived in one single location. Your creativity knows no bounds and you exude love, happiness and fun. Many people with this number combination produce large families with lots of children – they like variety after all! Your natural need for pleasure of a practical kind can make you too sensual, on occasion, and avoiding over-indulgence is one essential challenge you may face.

42/ 6. 
The number 6 expressed in this way drives a need to bring peace by practical means. Service to others is often a key trait found in this personality. While this can be the home and family the combination will thrive when that service is devoted to a much wider social group. Social workers, nurses or psychologists may find this number in their chart as their desire to heal and provide safety is strong. You have a natural ability to express emotion and to create a happy atmosphere in any location. Those under the influence of this number do not thrive working alone, nor for purely financial gain. The benefit must be to others and any role in which you serve others is likely to bring out the best in you. Your home is likely to be important to you and you will create a loving, safe space for those who share it with.

43/ 7. 
Gentle, generous and gregarious; also slightly goal orientated. This last aspect of your personality will be well hidden but strong. You combine clarity of thought with practicality of action and a desire to be amongst people. Healers are amongst those who have this number in their chart. You may find that working with those who are less privileged than you also appeals. You provide a high level of inspiration to those around you, who will willing follow your example. While you like to be center of attention, on many occasions, you have strongly developed listening skills. This can, in fact, make you the center of attention more often than talking skills. You can bring a constructive approach to most areas of life and you will often put others first, although this will lead to significant personal and financial rewards in your own life.

44/ 8. 
This number brings with it the desire to be at the top, to be in control and to be respected. While all of that may come in time, you will need to work hard for it. This is not a number which brings power and influence quickly but one which requires slow, steady progress to achieve your results. Logical thinking is one of your key attributes and you apply logic to all areas of your life. This can make you cautious and you'll take time to make decisions, although once made you'll act on them with precision. Intuition is not your strongest skill and those who posses it may puzzle you; you need firm, rational facts before you act. While this may mean your progression in life is slower than that of others it does mean that your success is built on the most firm foundations possible.

45/ 9. 
This number brings with it a contradiction. You have great practical abilities through which you can achieve significant material success. You have a searching, inquisitive nature that allows you to find answers and solutions to questions and problems. You then have the practical skills to make those solutions real. You have all the requirements for quickly building a strong material success in life. Yet this is not enough for you; material success is simply not what your soul is seeking. You have a deep, inner emotional world which does not show itself to others and this can mean you appear as a puzzle. You can be reserved and unwilling to share this side of yourself with others as it embarrasses your naturally practical instincts. Learning to balance your spiritual self with your practical self is a must; suppressing either will leave you feeling (and seeming) dull, uninspired and usually unsuccessful in life. Periods of meditation and withdrawal can be crucial, while physical exercise can help you to explore the physical world that you also love.

46/ 1. 
This combination is extremely strong and very much a dominating personality. Practical, with a strong sense of loyalty to home, family, country and community, it's also a forcefully individual and strident combination. You will be widely popular, considered inspirational and will command both fear and loyalty at the same time. Strong willed, idealistic and intense, while people are inspired by you they may find you unapproachable; you may tend to see this as weakness and be dismissive. Learn to temper you need to dominate with a gentler approach. Your naturally practical skills will help and they will also make you likely to be financially successful in life. Leadership is natural to this number and that leadership in a military setting can often be perfect for that combination of protective strength and natural ability to dominate.

47/ 11. 
Inherent conflict can be found between the deeply practical and deeply emotional aspects that make up this Master Number. Life may be full of contradiction for you and you may feel many emotions intently while your practical nature urges you to move away from them. The secret for success is to set goals for yourself. The vibration of 11 bestows great strength, intuition and insight. Once you have identified a goal you will find your practical nature can combine with your emotional intellect to solve any obstacle you encounter. Learn to achieve balance (2, again, resonates strongly with 11) between the two sides of your personality and you will achieve great things in whatever field you choose. Fail to achieve that balance and you may struggle to focus in life, suffering from emotional or mental problems. This is a challenging aspect to live with but can be deeply rewarding for both you and those around you.

48/ 3. 
With this number it is hard not to achieve worldly success and, probably, fame. You have an outgoing and affectionate nature which endears people to you, combined with the practicality and determination to succeed, all of which will make your path easy. There is a certain duality in this combination; you may seem quiet and determined on one level, yet fun-loving and outgoing on another. Show business or TV may well be the place for you to thrive. Journalism may also appeal as you have both insight and determination to find answers to your questions. Success may come suddenly to you – at least as far as others are concerned – but you will have worked quietly behind the scenes for many years. Your ability to spot a chance when it comes along is most likely to be the reason for your sudden rise!

49/ 4. 
With humanity, insight, intuition and solid practical skills it's likely you'll go far in life. Always patient, able and willing to see other's point of view, you like to build new and successful relationships wherever you go. Your wide intellectual and emotional skills are well controlled and this means you have a great combination of talents to make you successful in many areas of life – though business leadership may suit you best. Your health, stamina and energy levels are particularly strong and you will enjoy an active life in both sport and business. This is a well-balanced combination which creates an opportunity for growth and development in both spiritual and practical ways. Your ability to theorize is extremely strong but can, on occasion, lead you focus on theory rather than on practicality.

50/ 5. 
With this combination you'll be surrounded by people, friends, family and acquaintances; and you'll just love it. Emotional richness, intuitive insight and a constant curiosity about those around you will make you the perfect friend, lover or partner. Life will be full of movement for you; this can be in frequent changes of scene or simply in a lot of invites to events and parties. Your inquisitive nature tends to lead you to a scientific career and your creativity and imagination will give you strong abilities in this field. You will be a pioneer, thanks to your vision, and have the eloquence to make yourself heard. Fame may come your way but you would prefer to have fun and make new discoveries! Natural, relaxed and happy when learning, you will be much sought after in every area of your life.

51/ 6. 
Inquisitive, inspired and protective; you have many qualities that make a great warrior and leader. Leadership for you may mean going into battle rather than directing government. This can be taken in either a literal sense or a more metaphorical one. You lead causes, be they social ones or political ones, with equal valor and determination. Your talents make you ideal for legal careers, military or police roles. Your mind will be restless and you will seek new inspiration frequently. Your strength appears as a calm, outward appearance although you may be experiencing all manner of turmoil inside! This control is a great skill and asset and is likely to be one of the main reasons you find yourself at the front of the charge, whatever the battle.

52/ 7. 
This number brings together an inquisitive nature, with a need for balance and great, humanitarian and insightful nature. You explore the world around you in great detail, including the people you encounter. You assess, balance and develop a natural understanding of what you see. In general you will have sought educational opportunities early in life but if these have been unavailable you will make up for that at a later date. You take well to education and it is a crucial part of your life, which means teaching is a good career for you. You have a level of understanding that runs much deeper that most people can comprehend and this can lead you to isolation. Those with this combination may prefer to live alone, in some isolation, but will need to find an outlet for their thirst for knowledge. Balance is a key part of this number and finding balance in the self will allow you to find peace and harmony in any circumstances and amidst the many changes you may face in life.

53/ 8. 
This number can seem aggressive, tyrannical and domineering. In fact it demonstrates a sure self-knowledge that you can accomplish any task laid before you. Self-assurance is a key part of this combination. Your intellect rules your emotions – hence the appearance of a dominating personality. You have both strong intellect and high ambition which means a career in the law may appeal. You love sifting fact from fiction and you love applying this technique to people as much as abstract concepts. Again, this can lead you towards the legal profession or to work as a detective. Your method of defense is to attack, as a result of your ability to examine information or people you are often first to spot a threat or potential one. Your ultimate aim though is defend yourself, or those under your protection, and although your aggressive side comes to the fore often it is used largely to defend others' interests.

54/ 9. 
Combining wit with charm and intelligence you are self-possessed and popular. There is a practical side to your intelligence and you work well with your hands at building or creating. Technology may fascinate you and it could be in this field that your sharp mind will be at its happiest. There is a deep routed restlessness in your soul but this is a restlessness in the search of both knowledge and humanitarian goals. The latter can give you the focus you need to remain committed to a project and if technology can be used to find practical solutions to a problem facing a group of people you'll be in your element. You have a personality that can seem conventional to others and you are interested in the past and in established institutions. Your ultimate goal is, however, to create change that will benefit the wider world and you may become something of a “fifth-columnist” should you perceive that these venerable institutions require changing! If this is the case, that change will happen.

55/ 1. 
Inquisitive, inquiring and motivated by change, driven by the latter in fact, you can be a difficult person on occasion. This combination of numbers does, however, bring the qualities needed to be an inspirational leader. You have no trouble in expressing your opinions and these opinions are naturally unique and original. Your desire to know and your natural abilities at searching for information make it possible for you to discover secrets or information overlooked by others. You can create whole new perspectives on any situation and may use this to your own advantage. Above all you are productive – driven by the need to create. The homes of those people governed by this number are often filled with many children! You have an acute sense of justice which you are capable of dispensing quickly and sharply but your sense of fairness tempers this towards a merciful outcome.

56/ 11. 
Again, an expression of the Master Number 11. With a strong desire to create a peaceful, safe world you combine intuition with a sharp intelligence. You have a high energy level and the expression of 5 in this combination focuses your energy on constant activity. You work tirelessly towards your vision. This nature can be a difficult one for others to be around but you have a natural charm and skill at negotiation. You are loyal to your family and/ or to any cause to which you are committed. Once you have made a commitment you will see it through to the end and your inexhaustible energy will nearly always see the outcome you desire. However, and this can seem contradictory to others on occasion, you have strong abilities at seeing the other side of an argument. Your analytical skills may lead you to change your mind, believing that the right outcome is not the one you initially thought. This sudden switch can be a shock for those who do not have your flexibility.

57/ 3. 

You have a natural ability to understand others and spend much time in doing so. Deeply charitable, you will not only understand but help when required. Your ability to give so freely can be taken advantage of and this can lead you to feel negative and self-pitying. Learning to laugh at yourself will help! Your moods are extremely changeable; the emotional depth brought here by the 7 is subject to the need for change of the 5. Your inner life is where your need for change is fed and this can be disconcerting to others. Learning to express your emotions through the arts is a good way to manage this complexity in your personality and will stimulate you and help others to understand both you and themselves. You are a strong humanitarian with a need to see progress in the world and will work to achieve this in big and small ways throughout your life. Sometimes, although you are always available for others, you find difficulty in finding those willing to support you and this can lead to a profound sense of loneliness which should be combated through actively finding ways to express yourself.

58/ 4. 
Skilled and practical your personality is honest and open. Discipline and tradition may be very important to you and you are an individual with a deep sense of fairness and justice. You explore the detail of any situation or relationship, learn quickly from your findings and then find a practical way in which to use them. There is a high level of mental activity innate in this vibration. While popular with many people, you have a strong need for being on your own; your mind needs time to analyze and find solutions. Your life will have a solid grounding and yet, from time to time, you'll feel the need for change and stimulation. Travel is a good way to feed this need and to also find new projects to entertain your mind. While the need for different scenery is strong, you'll also find that at the end of a journey you will be glad to be home - back to the mundane practicalities of daily life.

59/ 5. 
A life influenced by this number will be full of travel, change, challenges and excitement; which is exactly what you need to thrive. You have a natural ability to see the big picture, to see the needs of those around you and to evaluate risks. This number can be that of a gambler, one who has great insight and likes to take risks. In the business world those working in the financial markets or speculative investments may well find that they have this number influencing their lives. With an exceptionally quick mind and many choices in life it's important, however, to guard against impulsiveness. The personality represented by this number is talkative, influential and adaptable. You do have a strong sense of idealism and may seek leadership roles where you can help to build a better world or foster improvement. This life will be a busy one but will be an effective one for positive change.

60/ 6. 
Those under the vibration of this number will find that they must work hard to make a living and to build success in life. They have the possibility to make a strong, secure future for themselves but this future will take time to manifest. Achievement here is the result of hard work. Something of an enigma, these people will prefer to work alone, yet need a close, strong family. Idealist in many senses, your need for perfection and completion can seem obsessive. There is however great power with this vibration and the ability to make a success in any field. The naturally protective nature of the 6, protective and nurturing, may make for the ideal nurse or carer. There are also great artistic possibilities within this number but, again, success is the result of hard work in this field and may take many years to achieve.

61/ 7. 
With a calm and deliberate assurance you can achieve great control over others with this number in your chart. You seek perfection and completion, will use sheer personal strength to achieve it and have patience to see any project through. You have a strong interest in the esoteric and the spiritual. In this case the 6, which can express home, may relate to a community of individuals. You may seek to preach, teach and inspire. The religious or spiritual life has a strong appeal for you and it is one for which you are well suited. You have a strong sense of ethics in your own life and are keen to foster this in others. If you do not join a religious or spiritual group it is likely you will seek to serve the wider community in other ways – diplomacy or government administration are fields where you may feel a calling. Although you have the ability to control others you are not self-serving; this is a deeply altruistic vibration and you will always be called to serve on some level.

62/ 8. 
Safety, security and harmony are important to you if this number is one of your personal numbers. Through these routes you will find power, wisdom and influence. In whatever field you choose you will find mastery but first you must learn to master yourself. You have a deeply analytical mind and will spend much time analyzing yourself, particularly when you are younger. The level of understanding that this teaches you will help to build strong relationships with others. You can be protective or over-protective, and you must guard against this. Your natural and developed authority can also be domineering. Focus your efforts on helping others to achieve balance and build security in their own lives and you will find much success in your own.

63/ 9. 
The world's sorrows are your concern and you will set out early in life to address these. You seek reform and justice – not for yourself but for others. This is a very balanced vibration in which the heart and the head work together to make everything better. There is a strongly self-sacrificing trait amongst people who are influenced by this number. They may have a secure and safe home and loving family which they may lose in order to pursue a greater happiness for others. With strong artistic traits and intuitive skills you are determined to create and to help; this can be a lonely path and one that may seem selfish to your closest family. You may choose paths that take you away from everything you hold dear and yet do so in the knowledge that you are benefiting them too in the end. You battle against the odds in life and this is truly inspirational. Spending time around much sorrow and strife can take its toll and you should be careful to guard against this.

64/ 1. 
Deeply individualistic and highly popular this is a strange number! You'll work hard to build security and have all the practical skills to do so, along with plenty of unique ways of achieving it. Yet your focus may not be home and family but a group of friends or associates. Friendship is often the most valuable thing for you – money and possessions will take second place. It's the security of people that you seek, not wealth. You have a natural work ethic and will work hard at whatever you choose to do. A natural judge of people you make good choices when it comes to your close circle. You may not have many close friendships (though many acquaintances) but those that are closest will be deep and life-long friendships. Your intuition, insight and individual approach to life will almost certainly lead you to a creative life; the arts will be where you find your outlet. Again, money, fame and success will be less important than achieving perfection. When you start a project you'll see it through, however long, hard or unpleasant it is.

65/ 11. 
In this case the Master Number 11 promises worldly success and achievement. Methodical, careful, intelligent and mature you persevere to carve out security in the world. You will rarely do this alone, always valuing the input of those around you. You may seem reserved to some at first but you like to build relationships slowly and carefully to ensure that the are sound. You rise may be slow and steady but you will find an uncanny ability to meet people of influence will be part of the benefits of this number. Your natural politeness and interest in others will ensure you are noted by these people. Generally, thanks to taking time to building strong relationships, you will make a good, lasting marriage or partnership. Divorce is not usually a feature of your life as you are prepared to work at everything in your life.

66/ 3.
 Responsible, wise and with a strong sense of public welfare you may find that idealism rules your life. You strive for perfection and will work hard to achieve it. You have a natural charisma which draws to you the people and things you need to make your dreams reality. By building a strong base and material wealth you find a great deal of satisfaction in life but you will need to share your fortune to be truly satisfied. Charity work is a must for you. A strong and secure home means a strong and secure community as far as you are concerned and the welfare of others is a natural priority for you. Intrinsically you have a strong understanding of value – the result being that you make good investments throughout your life. The home, community and life you build will be a good one and you will live to see the fruits of your labors enjoyed by many.

67/ 4. 
Mature and trustworthy you are likely to take a practical approach to life. You value material progress in life and have a unique combination of skills and abilities which make you well placed to achieve success in this part of your life. 6 craves the security of home and strives to protect this but combined with 7 this urge is focused in a wider sense towards the community in general. The vibration of 4 contributes to your efforts common sense and practical skills to achieve all of this. You will use your talents creatively and artistically to build real, solid achievements which benefit the wider community. Home and family will always be important to you but this is a home that you will be happy to share with others. Sociable, intelligent and outgoing your home will be the center of many lives within your wider circle. You seem to emanate solidity, practicality and creativity which will draw many people into your life.

68/ 5. 
With a love of luxury and security you will work hard to achieve both. Valuing knowledge is a strong influence with the vibrations of this combination. You will have strong research skills which you use to accumulate both knowledge and wealth. The outer trappings of wealth and power are important to you and you may risk obsessing over these. 68 can mean that you may seem introverted but you are a good communicator when you wish to be. You also enjoy listening to other people, constantly seeking stimulation, information and new ideas. Planning is one of your strongest attributes and you gather information carefully, organize it and then plan on the basis of your findings. Administrative careers are ideal but you will most likely achieve a position of authority in whatever field you choose. This is partly due to the calm air of confidence and your clear abilities at successfully completing projects.

69/ 6. 
This number has strong material elements. It represents building material success in the world. Projects, once undertaken, will be seen through to fruition with patience, energy and competence. You will find that resources come readily to hand but must focus on making the most of these resources. Luxury and wealth are important to you and must fill your life with significant resources before you feel comfortable and able to express yourself fully. Often reserved, you will however attract many people into your life – you may see these people as resources. Once you have achieved your success it is in your nature to share it. It's likely that people with this combination will work in the world of business or finance but when they have achieved their goals their wealth will be used to benefit the arts or social projects. You wish your love of beauty to be shared and you understand that material wealth is only important on the earthly plane – wishing it to benefit as many people as possible.

70/ 7. 
This is another combination that is likely to take you into the world of business. Creative and intelligent, you believe in both fairness and opportunity and work well in business partnerships. You display a natural tendency towards thriftiness in both your home and working life, which will help you to achieve the financial rewards you seek. There is a practicality to this vibration which means you will create solid foundations for success in your life. Challenges and changes come with this vibration but you are adept mentally at adjusting to new situations and actually thrive on the challenge. This ease of adjustment also means that travel is likely to feature in your life and you have strong talents for learning languages and adapting to new customs. If your working life takes you to many different countries or involves travel in any way, it's likely that you will thrive.

71/ 8. 
Individual, intelligent and driven by ambition. This number is a dynamic, energetic expression of the number 8. You are never distracted by the accepted way of doing things – though you will act traditionally if you perceive it as the best way to get ahead. The natural intelligence and individuality that this number bestows means that your rise to success can be rapid. It is however based on real skills and you will be seen as dependable, inspirational and able. This number has masses of energy and drive; this can lead to exhaustion and lack of enthusiasm if you don't remember to take time off. Your natural individuality makes you very creative but to preserve this creativity you must take time to re-charge, once in a while. In your personal life you will be loving and affectionate but must find a partner who can keep up with your seemingly unstoppable pace!

72/ 9. 
Analytical and with great powers of deduction, you are well placed to manage financial affairs. Material advantage is important to you and are able to manage money prudently and cleverly. Balancing acts are the way in which you avoid wastefulness, ensuring that all of your assets are carefully aligned to create the best advantage for you. It is important to you for your life to be constructive, you dislike being inactive though must remember that even “down-time” has its purposes. You express yourself well and have a character that is strong and stable. While you are keenly materially focused you have a strong empathy with others and will work for their benefit as well. You dislike waste – and wasted talent is your biggest dislike so you will have a strong desire to develop it in those around you. Although a good number for those pursuing business careers it's also a strong vibration for teaching and mentoring.

73/ 1. 
This number has a great deal of promise in the business and financial world but while you will often achieve success in this field you are aware that this is simply not enough. Having a strong, affectionate and patient nature you understand that your deeper self needs more than material success to create stability. While you focus creatively on creating wealth, you rarely do so to benefit yourself but look to make the world a better place for all. You can endure hardship and have great stamina and you will use these qualities to create successful outcomes in all of your projects. Most of these will focus on building wealth (material and spiritual) for those around you. You have a strong link to your higher self and you appreciate that its welfare is as important as your physical comfort. Stable, well-rounded and communicative you will have a lasting impact on those around you.

74/ 11. 
The final occurrence of the Master Number 11 combines intellect with practicality. This number can lead to a career in science – most likely in chemistry, medical or biological sciences. You believe in making the world “right” and will set about to achieve this end through the application of practical skills and science in some form or other. Independent, charming and with considerable poise, you are well liked by all around you. You have a gentle ease with people which makes you popular. With a high level of individuality and practicality in this vibration you will approach problems in new ways but with the means to resolve them. You don't suffer fools gladly and like to create real solutions to real problems. Success is likely with this combination and material gains highly likely. You will naturally seek to share these gifts with others and will be keen to see that the fruits of your labor benefit others.

75/ 3. 
You will need persistence and patience with this combination of numbers. You have strong inner resources, which will help, but must remain consistently independent to achieve success. Luckily you understand that your efforts will bring success but may find that your slow progress makes others doubt your chances. However, self-discipline, inner strength and self-confidence all will bring success in the end. This can be a long road and one filled with unexpected challenges, changes and set backs. But in the end you will triumph. You have an outgoing nature that will make you popular and you thrive when you are on show. Performance is important to you and you may find your career in any field in which you demonstrate your skills to the public. Your intelligence and intuition can mean that this may be in a theatrical setting but your physical endurance may lead you to sports. This is the number of a dancer, an athlete or a boxer! Wide experience in life will lead you to a great wisdom and your insight into people will be invaluable in your progress.

76/ 4. 
Behind this number lies the power of genius. With wisdom, insight and intellect all poised towards achieving completion, you also have practicality rooted in your soul. Working alone will appeal and you are painstaking in your approach. Engineering, craftsmanship and quality are all important to you and you may work in a trade or craft where precision and skill is crucial. While this number can lead to great material success this is not where you find fulfillment, a job well done is what drives you. What you create will benefit you in many ways and will be even more beneficial to the wider world. Although you have the ability to create wealth it's likely that you will see this as a means to creating yet more and better things. Your personal needs are fairly basic and you will often live a simple lifestyle. Highly popular, you will also be keen to create relationships that “work” - you can obsess over this to the point of driving people away, if you are not careful. However, your commitment is so deep it will be appreciated by many.

77/ 5. 
Insight is one of the key attributes of this number and insight into people is a strong feature. You enjoy the company of a wide social circle and may work in psychiatry or counseling to feed your need for constant new insights into new people. Analytical and with a wide experience in life, you are able to quickly identify what makes people “tick”. You are not above using this to your own advantage but have a natural charm and grace which means this is rarely resented. Material gains in life seem to come from unexpected sources and often you'll find yourself furnished with the means to enjoy life with surprisingly little effort. You have a quiet elegance about you and a sparkle which makes you naturally attractive. People are drawn to you and it's likely you'll have the means to entertain lavishly. Your need for change and variety in life can be overwhelming at times but you can satisfy this with new intellectual projects as well as travel or socializing. If they combine all three you'll be a very happy individual indeed!

78/ 6. 
Adding together the numbers 1 – 12 brings you to 78. This represents both the 12 months of the year and the 12 signs of the Zodiac. This is the number of attainment, achievement, perfection and peace. This is a number that represents all of these and also suggests wisdom, inner peace, accomplishment and completion. You may work hard to achieve all of these aspects but once you have done so the balance in your inner self and the balance in your life are complete. This number suggests a settled, mature individual who has wealth, comfort and a desire to share these gifts. You can offer both emotional or financial support to those in need – be they family or institutions. You are a philosophical soul who has achieved an inner state of balance and can help others towards this goal. This is a number that represents attainment, comfort and philanthropy. Your spiritual side will be important to you but you may not express this in a traditional way. Rounded and confident you will be the focus of many people's affection – affection which you return willingly and generously.


  1. how did you get the 31/4? I'm confused

    1. What’s the difference between the advanced technique and the normal one? Which one of these 2 is the one that should be followed or more accurate?
