The most spherical of all the planets of the solar family and almost four times the size of earth is Neptune. It takes more than 13 years to pass through each sign of the zodiac and interestingly, perturbs the orbit of its neighbor, Uranus! It revolves quite rapidly on its axis and rules the sign of Pisces. Neptune, numerologically represented by Number 7, governs mystical aspects of our life, religion, psychism, spiritualism and paranormal happenings. Number 7 people are found in various walks of life but they have always some streak of mystery in them, though they cannot be called “a split personality” one hundred per cent. Revolution and hard work intermingled with intelligence, inventiveness are the bedrock of the character of the positively aspected “Neptunians” or Number 7 people. They have a natural attraction for water, fluids, science, writing, psychic achievements and music. Like other cases, success in their case depends upon a favorable combination of Number 7 with Destiny and Name numbers, though Neptunians are more prone to melancholy to some extent in their lives. Neptune and Uranus are the prime-movers of the mundane events caused by the all-powerful Destiny. The very word “Destiny” implies that there are “unseen, supernatural, cosmological forces” acting on all of us every moment on this earth and they are said to act in a favorable or unfavorable way which makes us fortunate or unfortunate. The planets, Uranus and Neptune are not always evil as depicted by some astrologers or occultists.
Their duty is to modify, -each in its own way-the strength of radiation from the SUN and the MOON on the life on earth. Numerological analysis need not dwell too deeply into the genesis of the theory. So, if readers are aware that URANUS denotes Number 4 and NEPTUNE denotes Number 7, it would suffice. Number 7 or people born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of any month are ruled by Neptune, the seer. The degree to which a man prospers mundanely is determined by Uranus, but Neptune denotes how fit he is or how best he uses his Wisdom, so, Number 7 persons have a special role to play on this earth. The human endeavors are controlled by Number 7 which decides the limits of many things in our lives. 7 days in a week, 7 notes of music, 7 rishis (seers), 7 seas, seven worlds or Paradises, and seven “chakras” in yoga, so on and so forth .... Positively discussing, the Number 7 people are of philosophic nature. They know where their soul is or where it goes. Intuition, mystic knowledge, prophecy, music (a soul-stirring one!) dreams, poetry, water sports or voyages, religion, histrionics, electronics, yoga and unusual machines and many such things preoccupy their minds and souls. Many excel faster in such fields and become famous and popular. The successful people prove to the world that the other name of luck on this earth is only hard work. They achieve their goals only after struggles, of course, strengthened by their prayers too. They have vivid dreams about an unknown destination, unexplored continent, untried experiment and sometimes an uncertain goal also! In the course of their efforts, they tend to foresee the difficulties or dangers on their routes, but then, it would always be late. There is some kind of melancholy in their process of thought, and some kind of delay in action. Once they plunge themselves, then sky is the limit! So, they must be very careful in studying the pros and cons of any subject before involving themselves in it. This includes all the matters connected to love, affection and matrimony or permanent contracts also. The negative types under Number 7 use God, religion, philosophy, mysticism and human sentiments to exploit the general public to their own advantage. Where the strength of “Karma” (cause and effect phenomenon) is weak, there the negative number sevens easily barge in and exploit the gullible. Those people who do ungodly acts in the name of God, those who preach irreligiousness in the name of religion, and those who commit inhuman acts under the cloak of human rights
protagonists -invariably have some connection to Number 7 either in their dates of birth, Destiny Numbers, Name Numbers or the Numbers of their names by which they are known in their fields of activity. (Such a surprising relation can be found regarding Karmic planets like Saturn which will be also discussed later). Please remember, - the world or the society has a greater tendency to be carried away by the “fakes” than by the real ones. With a basic knowledge of Numbers and their cosmological connections, if the readers are able to distinguish between the real and the fake, they will be more and more successful in their lives. You only need to know how harmonious your Numbers are! Now, having discussed the “mystic” Number 7 and its positive and negative faculties, let us peep into the lives of the interesting persons born under the Birth Number 7.

Date - 7 This Neptunian date of birth gives intelligence, common sense, discipline, taste in literature or music, skill in fine arts and deep insight into scientific matters. They are patient and hardworking and they attain astounding success in scientific pursuits and literature as well. They may be popular in politics, but are not quite successful in remaining in the top position for a long time due to lack of co-operation of their own friends or due to their inability to sustain their policies. On the other hand, those with a revolutionary approach or with mass appeal survive! Basically, these people are religious and they believe that they are always guided by a superior power. (Even some charlatans among this lot are mistaken by the gullible public as saints!) Willingly or unwillingly, some of them in field of religion happen to act against their conscience and support some public figures with dubious records. That boomerangs later in life. A couple of these persons working hard with their ever-active brains with a quest for ways to improve the world, especially in the field of science, immortalize themselves in history! The people with negative vibrations of this number ruin the world and face a shameful end of their lives.
Date - 16 If the world needs people with extra-ordinary courage, endurance, versatility and patriotism, such people are mostly found to be born on the 16th, invariably with the support of destiny and name numbers. This date also gives superb talent in music or histrionics and administrative skill, which elevate the persons to high positions in politics. In matters of love, they succeed only if they go the right way. There is some difficulty foreseen in parenting a child. What is outstanding in their lives is a strong mind that helps them to face unexpected challenges. They make good sportsmen or inventors who never get discouraged by any pitfalls they come across. On the other hand, they forge ahead with renewed vigor. They have a unique way of solving the day-to-day problems, especially in politics or statecraft and would never waver from their decisions once taken, whether their followers or colleagues approve of it or not! Interestingly, in spite of their steadfast attitude, they make very good negotiators in times of crisis and persuade people or nations to accept their suggestions or ideas. If there are some mystics or people of religion under this category, they should guard themselves against uttering anything in public that may be controversial.
Date - 25 This date of birth belongs to highly opinionated people and those who think originally and act originally. They have a novel way of giving a message without minding the criticism or admiration it may invite. Their words and actions, whether they are kings or subjects, may cause a flutter in the least or a revolution at the most. But it is bound to influence the course of history! Lucky are those among them who survive the aftermath. Others perish tragically or go into oblivion. They are people who do not work as a team but strive hard as a single person to achieve some remarkable goal as in the case of scientists, artists and writers. Their contribution to the world will be praiseworthy. A good number of these people are respected in countries other than their own and some of them even choose to live there permanently. A few of those born on 25th invent some strange doctrines and try to propagate them, but fail miserably for the simple reason that those doctrines are misconstrued only to instigate violence, though it must have served their purpose initially. Generally, with very few exceptions, this date brings in respect, authority and honor. (It is not known why the Presidents of India are sworn in mostly on the 25th July every time. Is it considered so auspicious...?)
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