
The Four Royal Stars

The Four Royal Stars are part of the 15 Behenian stars in the night sky. In ancient Persia they were believed to each rule over one quarter of the night sky. They were believed to hold both good and evil power and were looked to for scientific calculations such as the Persian calendar, lunar and solar cycles and predictions about future. The four stars are Aldebaran or Tascheter as it was known in ancient times, Regulus or Tenant, Antares or Satevis, and Fomalhaut or Haftorang. Aldebaran rules from the vernal equinox and is known as the Watcher of the East. Regulus rules from the summer solstice and is known as the Watcher of the South. Antares rules from the autumnal equinox and is the Watcher of the West, and Fomalhaut, Watcher of the North, rules from the winter solstice.

The other 11 Stars (just like The Four Royal Stars) were used for navigation and too herald the changing of seasons. These 15 Stars are considered powerful because they are fixed in there position and each star tends to be highly visible with the naked eye.

Fomalhaut is known as the ‘Solitary One’ because it holds a lonely position as the brightest star in its region. It’s name literally translates to ‘mouth of the fish’ and is often depicted in Pisces as the fish drinking up the waters of Aquarius pitcher.

Antares is the Watcher of the West and inhabits the heart of the constellation of Scorpio. It gets its name from the Greek meaning rival of Mars. As a red super-giant this is perhaps no great surprise. It was believed to be one of the four gateways to the other world and was believed to be a bringer of darkness as it heralded the winter months.

Aldebaran is the red eye of the constellation Taurus and is believed to be one of the more fortunate royal stars to have in your zodiac as it suggests riches and honor.

Known as the Watcher of the North, Regulus means ‘little king’, a name appropriate for the alpha star of Leo the Lion. He stands as the heart of the Lion and is brightest in mid April. In ancient Egypt Regulus held special importance as he heralded the rising of Sirius and the start of the new year. This start is said to give success, power and a test of resisting the desire for vengeance.

The four royal stars are still believed by many astrologists to have power in ones natal chart and each of them comes with a challenge that must be over come in order to receive the blessing of the star that rules your quarter of the sky.

(The values and meanings of the 11 Behenian and Four Royal Stars can be found in the tab titled "Chaldean Numbers")

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