
Sun Number 9

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Ordinarily, I try to keep the math to a minimum when I discuss an aspect of Numerology. In the case of the number 9, however, the math highlights a philosophical observation that is unique, interesting and very revealing. So bear with me, please, because from a purely mathematical perspective, the 9 stands apart. Here is why:

When you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit, it always becomes a 9. For example, 6 x 9 = 54, reduce 54 to a single digit by adding them together: 5 + 4 = 9. Similarly, 8 x 9 = 72, and 7 + 2 = 9. Or 23 x 9 = 207, 2 + 0 + 7 = 9, and so forth. There is nothing coincidental about this peculiarity. Try it. Any number, no matter how large, multiplied by 9 reduces to 9. From a numerological perspective, the 9 simply takes over, like the infamous body snatchers. Any number that was initially increased by a factor of 9 loses its own identity and instead takes on the characteristics of the 9. No other number has that quality.

A different, but no less distinctive and revealing, attribute of the 9 is that when you add (as opposed to multiply) it to any other number, then reduce that number to a single digit, it always comes back to itself, as if nothing was added at all. For example, 5 + 9 = 14, 1 + 4 = 5. Or 7 + 9 = 16, 1 + 6 = 7. 24 (which reduces to 6) + 9 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6. Again, have some fun, try it on a bunch of numbers.

This, from a numerological perspective, is actually the exact opposite of what happens when you use the 9 to multiply, because when adding it, increasing the amount by 9, it does not change anything to its initial single digit value. When multiplying, the 9 takes over ... when adding, the 9 does nothing. For a math junkie like myself, with a philosophical streak to match, this is pure beauty. It symbolically touches at the core of the magic that underlies this creation. But enough about math, let's look at the personality of this unique number.

The last of the cardinal numbers, the 9 is the most worldly and sophisticated of all numbers. The 9 has some similarities with the 6. However, whereas the 6 as a symbol of motherly (or fatherly) love, giving its love and care to friends, family and the immediate community, the 9 offers it to the world at large; the 9, more than any other number, has global consciousness. Looking at the shape of the symbol is, as always, quite telling. The 9 is like the 6 upside down, a symbol of her offering sympathy and compassion to everyone; a reservoir of giving with a generous downward spout.

The 9 lives in the world and understands the connections between all of mankind. It is a humanitarian, and sees no real difference between its neighbor next door and the person living in a very different culture and environment on the other side of the world. The 9 is the least judgmental of all numbers, the most tolerant and the most conscious.

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Neither specifically masculine or feminine, the 9 seems more feminine, in large part, because she is so loving and empathetic. She walks like a queen, tall and statuesque, yet feels closely connected with the rest of mankind. At the same time, she is hard to reach, seems aloof and tends to float above the small-minded issues that can be so upsetting to others. You either love her or loathe her, but you can't deny her the respect she demands. She has impeccable taste, is talented and creative, and can be quite eloquent when she expresses herself.

The 9 may be called the the "Mother Theresa" number, because when she sees injustice or suffering, she will not hesitate to devote herself to rectifying it. More importantly, she will not dedicate any energy towards receiving credit for her actions; the purity of math that is manifested when she adds to the lives of others is mirrored in the way she goes about doing good: she will not force herself upon others. But when circumstances require, she can be a powerful force, strong enough to take over and bend others to her will (just as she does when she is used to multiply any other number; she takes complete control). Yet she is not a leader in the way both the 1 and the 8 are leaders; her leadership qualities are in the higher realms of philosophy and justice. She changes your mind!

The 9 is often prosperous, but this is one of those contradictions that actually makes sense and illustrates the true nature of the 9 clearly: where the 8 becomes financially successful by focusing on the potential reward from certain undertakings, the 9 earns her financial rewards by completely and utterly ignoring the monetary potential of an endeavor; the exact opposite of the 8.

As for matters of the heart, the 9 is not particularly romantic. She is an impossible lover, not because she is demanding, which she is also, but because you never know to what extent you have managed to reach her. She hides her heart, and even after knowing her for many years, the connection still seems a bit distant. She is a loyal friend but will not allow herself to become vulnerable. The most telling attribute of the 9 is the always subtle and hard to pinpoint sense that there is more to her than meets the eye. A correct observation; she has depth and intuition, and is at all times aware of her surroundings, like a person with over-developed peripheral vision.

As with any number, the 9 has a dark side. She can be condescending, arrogant, cold and apathetic towards the suffering of others. When the 9 shows her dark side, it is egotistic, cruel, immoral and completely untouchable. And unfortunately, it is easy for a 9 to fall into the dark side, like when she perceives herself to have been the victim of an injustice, then she can be vindictive, unforgiving and malicious.

When the 9 appears as a cycle, it often denotes a finality, the completion of an era. The 9 as a cycle is frequently seen as an indicator of death. This is simplistic and wrong. What one or more 9 cycles does suggest is that you are in the final stages of a period or endeavor, that you need to empty your bucket and prepare for the new and that there are opportunities to make a difference. In Personal Year cycles, the 9 is always followed by the 1, and every time you go through that two-year phase, you go through a transformation of some kind. Look at any period in your life when you went through a 9 Personal Year followed by a 1 Personal Year and you will see that this is true. Then look at your Essence and Transit cycles to learnwhat the fundamental nature of that transformation was.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number 8

The number 8 is perhaps the most misunderstood of all single-digit numbers, as novices and professionals alike always seem to hammer on the "money and power" image of the 8. More often than not, when a client requests a name change consultation, it means he or she wants to add 8s to his or her chart in the mistaken belief that it will bring money and power.

It is true that the number 8, more than any other number, puts the emphasis in the areas of career, business, finances and authority. However, as with many other single-digit numbers, the shape of the number reflects its most important attribute, and in the case of the number 8, that is, first and foremost, balance. The 8 is the great Karmic equalizer, a force that just as easily creates as it destroys. When the 8 comes knocking, you can be assured that you will reap what you've sown.

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The 8 balances the material and immaterial worlds. At its best, it is as spiritual as it is materialistic. The spiritual side of the 8 is practical, realistic and intelligent. It knows the difference between make-believe and genuine spiritual realizations. On the material plane, it is focused on results, often in the form of money, yet does not care much about money for the sake of money. It is not greedy, it sees money as a tool, not an end-result. It is generous and willing to take risks. People with strong 8s in their charts often make and lose fortunes a couple of times during their life. They never consider bankruptcy a reason to slow down or feel sorry, but, rather, come out stronger and more success-oriented than before.

Some of the more recognizable traits of the 8 are drive, ambition, authority, efficiency, organization, management, discipline and control. The 8 is goal-oriented, focused, has good judgment, can discriminate and is practical, a realist. Its closest relative is the 1 as both numbers are powerful, have strong leadership skills, are unquestionably masculine and will not shy away from a confrontation. However, where the 1 lacks diplomatic skills and an understanding of human nature -- more typically the traits of the 2 -- the 8 has those abilities as well, which is perhaps the most important reason the 8 tends to do well in business and in authority roles (the military and law enforcement draw a lot of 8s).

When the 8 appears in your personality profile chart, it indicates the presence of the character traits mentioned earlier, as well as the potential to be very successful and prosperous -- hence the reason so many people like to manipulate their charts to add one or more 8s. However, the energy of the 8 needs to be supported by other numbers in order to flourish, such as the 4 to help you keep an eye on the all-important details, and the 9 to keep you in touch with your humanity. So be careful what you ask for. If you decide to change your name to add one or more 8s to your chart, and the rest of your chart does not support this strong force, you may come to inherit more of its negative powers like frustration, dissatisfaction, anger, aggression, greed, intolerance, hate and insomnia. A higher-than-average percentage of 8s find their way into the top echelons of society, but you will also find a disproportionate number of 8s among the homeless.

If the 8 appears in your cycles, especially your Essence cycle, there is an increase in energy and focus, a sense of "can do," and enhanced self-confidence. The shape of the 8 shows balance, but it also shows confidence, as it looks you right in the eye. A positive 8 is honest to a fault, generous and forgiving. They are physically imposing and often athletic, especially good in sports requiring strength and endurance. They are not particularly romantic, as they prefer a practical and straight-forward approach, but they are loving and more than carry their weight.

As with all single-digit numbers, the 8 has a positive and a negative side. However, one of the mysteries of Numerology is that there is a small number of people who, from an early age on and for no discernible reason, seem to turn the exact opposite direction of what their charts indicate. The key word here is "seem." This phenomena is found with all numbers, but appears to affect 8s more than others. There are quite a few people whose charts are dominated with 8s who become priests, missionaries, humanitarians and so forth, but those sacrificing and loving souls do still tend to be good at fundraising, money management and authority.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number 7

The world of philosophy and spiritual awareness is a 7’s domain.

The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth (notice the capital "T"). The 7 doesn't take anything at face value -- it is always trying to understand the underlying, hidden truths. The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions.

A person who has a chart dominated by the 7 is usually easily picked out of a group. He will be somewhat introverted, perhaps shy (not to be confused with low self-esteem), never truly comfortable in social settings. The 7 is the intellectual, but his intellect is not always obvious, especially at an early age (as a child, Einstein was dyslexic and not particularly bright or a good student). His intelligence is that of a dreamer, an intellectual explorer of the obscure, the person who tends to have a somewhat off-beat perspective on the world around him. Many are interested in the metaphysical, not because they are believers, but because it allows access to the ambiguous, abstract world of questions for which there are no clear answers.

The 7 is spiritual, but not religious. In fact, the age-old questions of what life is all about, why am we here, who am we, and so forth, never reach the status of clichés, but are essential to the 7's life-experience, and unless he finds the answers he will not stop looking for them until he dies.

The 7 can be aloof, hates gossip and is immune to small-minded backstabbing. Money means nothing to him and he will never make a choice or a decision based on an expected financial outcome.

There is a dry, usually misunderstood sense of humor to the 7, yet he is unable to remember a single joke. He is not jovial and never superficial. He has excellent taste and a naturallove and understanding of art. He dislikes and completely ignores fashion, and is attracted to eccentric, unpopular people. The popular "beautiful" but shallow people bore him to no end. He is not usually interested in politics but has a strong sense of justice.

The 7 is physically lanky and tall, but not athletic and doesn't care about sports. 7s are not warriors, but you may find some people with the 7 dominating their charts in the military, most likely as analysts or strategic planners. More often, however, you will find them in the world of academics and science. Police detectives, laboratory researchers and other careers where logical, methodical analysis of facts are the main requirements of the job.

7s are opinionated and tend to know something about everything, which can be annoying. They are not always honest, often choosing a more "interesting" truth than the actual truth. Many people are uncomfortable around a 7 due to penetrating eyes and the sense that even when he seems to be listening, he is actually analyzing the shape of your eyes and the crevices of your earlobes.

The 7 tends to be a loner. Women with dominant sevens are often beautiful, if you can get past the granny glasses and the carelessly chosen clothes. They don't like to fuss in front of the mirror, but can be very charming and will take on a room full of men in any discussion, completely unconscious of the fact that many of them have something completely different in mind.

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On the negative side, the 7 can be cynical, verbally abusive, arrogant and oblivious of the pain and suffering of others. They can be cold-hearted and cruel showing a lack of empathy. Other people's problems simply don't interest them, yet when it comes to their own troubles, they expect everyone to feel for them. They are terrible and demanding patients, exasperating know-it-alls and just plain inconsiderate and boorish. They can be selfish and anti-social.

What is unique about the 7 is that his (or her) mind is his greatest tool and, at the same time, his greatest limitation. Rational, flexible and hungry for knowledge, the mind of the 7 goes places other numbers rarely attain. His imagination is vast and powerful, which helps to guide him into the spiritual stratosphere few people ever reach -- but it is always mental and rational, never divine. The satisfaction and happiness he finds from mental explorations allows him to spend long hours in solitude and enjoy it. Yet, at the same time, he puts too much faith in the power of the mind, thereby limiting the potential humans have in experiencing the essence of life, as it can be experienced only in feeling and not in words. It is said that if you can speak the Tao, you do not know the Tao; if you can speak the Word, you do not know the Word -- life in its purest form can only be felt and experienced, never rationalized. For the 7 to reach a height of spiritual wisdom, it must, as all others, travel beyond the limitations of the mind and allow divine silence to spill its secrets. It is the essence of the 7 that most symbolizes our struggle to know and understand.

As I've previously mentioned, my descriptions of the single digit numbers are extreme and no human being exists who reflects only one number. I am trying to convey an intuitive and mental connection with the personalities of the single digit numbers; an understanding that eventually brings you to know numbers not because you have memorized a string of attributes and traits, but because you know each one like you would a close friend or family member -- to the point that you can predict how he or she would respond under certain circumstances.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number 6

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While the 6 is considered the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers, it is not without its flaws and upsets. The most important influence of the 6 is its loving and caring nature. Properly nicknamed the motherhood number, it is all about sacrificing, caring, healing, protecting and teaching others. No family or community can function without the power of the 6 to keep them together and safe. She is the glue that keeps a family or community together.

There are, however, times when the 6 becomes too involved in the lives of those dear to her, to the point that she becomes intrusive and meddling. Other times, she takes her sacrificing nature too far and becomes a doormat to be abused and trampled on. Nonetheless, she is genuinely appreciated and adored in return. For this reason, the 6 is considered the only number harmonious with all other numbers. Creating an environment of peace and harmony is always her strongest impulse. In addition, she loves to teach and guide others, especially the young, old and less fortunate.

The 6 is full of sympathy, and her sense of justice is well developed -- when she perceives injustice, she will sacrifice all her time and effort to set things straight. She almost always favors the underdog, and would never purposely hurt anyone, especially those she considers less fortunate. She has a strong sense of responsibility and can be counted on to do her fair share of the work. She can be demanding, but she is also able and willing to stay in the background when needed, working and caring without any expectation of reward.

The 6 is idealistic, trusting and easy to take advantage of ... which can produce devastating results. She carries her heart on her sleeve and expects the same from others. The role of counselor and advisor comes naturally to her, and many will come to her to cry on her shoulder or to seek her down-to-earth wisdom.

The 6 carries herself well and moves gracefully, yet is warm, funny and jovial. When the 6 is on a career path, she generally goes a long way due, in part, to her sense of duty and responsibility -- but also because she is genuinely respected and well-liked. You will find many 6s in careers such as teaching, healing, counseling, construction, the legal field and law enforcement, especially prison guards.

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On the negative side, the 6 can be jealous and small-minded, tending to be more focused on the little details while ignoring the bigger pictures ... usually to her own detriment. She can be a bad judge of character, and has been known to sacrifice herself to a cause or a person even while everyone around her tries to convince her that this cause or person is not worth it.

The 6 is usually rather conventional and must learn to use her own mind instead of simply leaning on the opinions of those close to her. The 6 can also be smug and arrogant, especially toward authority figures or institutions. She can be annoyingly self-righteous and an intolerant religious zealot. The 6 sometimes suffers from anxiety and insecurity, even phobias. A disproportional number of people with OCD have the 6 prominent in their charts.

The 6, while loving, caring and full of sympathy for others, is self-centered and egotistical at heart. If those at the receiving end of her care do not show the attention she craves, she can turn on them, even hurt them. The Munchhausen syndrome is a disorder typical to the negative 6.

No number is without weaknesses and faults, but the 6 is actually the most harmonious and stable among the nine single digits. Yet, perhaps for that same reason, when the unusual happens and the 6 falls into discord and disharmony, it becomes possibly the most destructive and dangerous of all numbers. Beware of a cynical or angry 6 -- she is a merciless wolf in sheep's clothing.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number 5

The number 5 is the most dynamic and energetic of all the single-digit numbers. It is unpredictable, always in motion and constantly in need of change. Although it is molded from an almost equal mix of masculine and feminine qualities, in general the 5 is slightly more feminine -- albeit a daring, tomboyish kind of feminine, with nothing demure or submissive about her.

The 5 is extremely independent in mind and soul. She is an adventurer and a risk-taker who has a hard time staying in one place, in one job, in one house or in one relationship. Change is an absolute necessity, and yet the 5 is surprisingly loyal. The 2 and 6 are the most harmonious relationship numbers but either one will, when temptation is strong enough, cheat on his or her partner. The 5 will not. The 5 may break off a relationship due to her restless nature, but while in a relationship she will not deceive her partner. However, when she is not in a relationship she considers herself free to date anyone she chooses and has no problem going out with a different person every day of the week (and you better not try to tell her she should limit herself in any way, at least not if you want to stay on her good side).

The 5 generally does not find a suitable career until she has tried a number of different jobs, many of them lasting barely long enough to warrant a full paycheck, especially if there is any kind of routine involved; boredom sets in almost immediately and the 5 simply cannot put up with anything predictable or repetitive. But again, the 5 will surprise her friends and family once she does find her niche, usually after age 30, as her focus, energy and quick mind help her scramble up the ladder faster and with less apparent effort than anyone else. Many 5s take up careers that require travel or otherwise offer a change of environment regularly, becoming tour guides, salespeople, small business owners, independent consultants, lawyers and so forth.

The 5 can adjust quickly to pretty much anything coming her way, and that includes the work environment. On top of that, the 5 is usually tall and good-looking, charming, and charismatic -- all qualities that support her in her career once she sets her mind to it. In addition, the 5 is versatile, adaptable, smart, progressive and tolerant. Anything conventional bores her, while she is drawn to the eccentrics and misfits of society. She is a social creature, funny and uplifting, and very good at making others feel comfortable around her. She is generally well-liked and is often surrounded with friends and acquaintances. However, she also tends to polarize people and those that don't like her tend to be the uptight, self-righteous and judgmental kind.

But perhaps the most dominating trait in the 5 is her uncompromising demand for freedom in thought and action. She makes up her own mind, rebels against any and all dogmas and ideologies, and does not allow herself to be absorbed into clubs, cults, religious sects or ideologies of any kind. Her adventurous, daredevil nature may get her to ride motorcycles but she will not ride with a large group. Chances are she will be rather opinionated and passionate about political issues, but she will not be a member of any party or be nailed down in any way. She changes her mind regularly, but never without good reason. She cannot be controlled but she is flexible and can be converted if the argument is solid and makes sense. She has a healthy sense of humor and doesn't sweat the little things, but she carries her heart on her sleeve and it is not at all uncommon for her to give her heart to the wrong person, as she is not the greatest judge of character.

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On the negative side, she can be selfish, thoughtless and irresponsible. She rarely considers the future beyond tomorrow or next week, and worrying is not in her nature. She tends to procrastinate and can be unreliable. However, the most common downfall for the 5 is a tendency to experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol and other weaknesses of the flesh. A desire for instant gratification can be her downfall; add to that a sense of invulnerability, lack of discipline and restraint, and you have a recipe for disaster.

The shape of numbers reflect their nature, and just as the 4 is square and grounded, the 5 is a symbol of dynamic motion. The 4 is controlled, measured, synchronized, and static. The 5 is random energy, elastic and constantly in motion.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number 4

People with a Sun Number 4 are sticklers for details

and take a systematic, efficient approach to whatever comes their way. They are solid and stable, and it takes a major change to knock a 4 off his or her feet. However, 4s have a dislike of changes, preferring to maintain the status quo. For that reason, they are not always quick to catch on. 4s will most likely miss opportunities because they waited too long. Their biggest asset is the willingness to put forth considerable effort.

4s are not procrastinators and tend to apply themselves with focus and dedication. Demanding much from themselves, 4s are not satisfied until they are the best at what they do. Sometimes this passion for perfection can make a 4 easily frustrated and not much fun to be around when they are working. 4s struggle with the concept of relaxation and tend to be all work and no play.

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A less desirable quality of a 4 Sun Number is that they can be cruel and lack empathy. However, what others don’t know is that they are equally as demanding of themselves as they are of others. It isn't so much that 4s are materialistic, but that they consider accomplishments to be the crux of all existence.

Successful Sun Number 4s have learned to accept that nothing is guaranteed in life, and that if you want to fulfill your dreams, you may have to take a risk every now and then.

The 4 Sun Number is comfortable and secure in most settings ... with the exception of romance. In love, the grounded 4 just doesn't know how to handle itself when the earth falls away and love takes it to the sky. It takes time for a 4 Sun Number to reveal what is in his or her heart. However, once they fall in love, the 4 tends to stay in love. They are not particularly passionate, nor are they sensual, but they more than make up for that with the intensity of their devotion. If you are on the receiving end of a 4 Sun Number's affections, you will never have to worry about its depth or the strength of its commitment. Solid as a rock, the 4 Sun Number will always be there for you.

All in all, the 5, 6 and 8 tend to be the more suitable partners for a 4 Sun Number.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number 3

People with a Sun Number 3 are innovative and creative.

They think outside the box and find solutions quickly. Bubbling with optimism, a 3 person typically has a childish streak that lets them avoid their responsibilities, especially those that demand effort and attention. 3s tend to be loved by many, but often their own love for others tends to be somewhat superficial.

Sun Number 3s like to skate the surface, using their considerable sense of humor to keep things light and sunny. However, when hit by one of life's more serious challenges, a 3 will surprise everyone by displaying a lot more endurance, courage and determination than anyone expected -- including themselves.

Hands down, creativity is a 3's biggest asset when it comes to taking advantage of opportunities, or overcoming obstacles. Unfortunately, the effort level doesn't always live up to it. As a result, 3s leave quite a few unfinished projects, unfulfilled dreams, and empty promises behind in their path.

Successful Sun Number 3s have learned to focus and be disciplined in how they approach changing circumstances. When a 3 does manage to push something all the way to its goal, that accomplishment tends to be enormously satisfying.

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In love, the 3 Sun Number may appear somewhat superficial and flaky when it gets involved in a romantic relationship, but that's just hiding a more serious undertone. The 3 Sun Number tends to be a happy, upbeat number, but also understands how vulnerable that happiness can be. For that reason, they dread pessimism and negativity, and approach any major change in life -- which a romantic relationship can be -- with caution. Sun Number 3s have no trouble entering into a romantic relationship they know is not meant to last. In fact, the 3 can certainly become a bit promiscuous, but when a 3 senses that it might become more serious, he or she will back off. The way to get a 3 to commit to a long-term relationship is by being patient and absolutely not demanding.

The 1, 3, 5, and 7 are the most suitable romantic Sun Numbers to pair up with the skittish 3.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number 2

People with a Sun Number 2 take a careful and deliberate approach to changes.

Weighing the pros and the cons, 2s consider future consequences, then, and only then, they make their moves. 2 personalities tend to avoid direct confrontations, preferring instead to apply tact and diplomacy. They have no trouble drawing support from others, and share their troubles and their successes easily.

Sun Number 2s are intuitive and often sense changes before they become evident. Understanding of human nature and a cunning intellect generally serves this number well. But if not careful, it is this trait that could easily tempt a 2 into conning others into doing things they later regret.

2s have a good sense of timing, which is a key survival skill. However, they often surrender to the inevitable quickly and sometimes allow themselves to be beaten down without much of a fight. But a 2's strength is resilient and they will quickly rise again. Sun Number 2s are sympathetic to the plight of others, but if tempted, they can easily fall prey to selfish and greedy tendencies.

When it comes to love, the 2 Sun Number is a highly intuitive, sensitive and romantic partner who should be handled with kid's gloves. The 2 is emotionally vulnerable in general, but especially in romance. The 2 looks right through anything that is not sincere and genuine, so playing games with a 2 will get you in hot water. At the same time, while typically against confrontation (preferring diplomacy and tact over the in-your-face approach), the 2 has a hard edge as well -- one that allows it to take a stand and not budge toward a compromise.

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The 2 Sun Number is highly sensual and tends to put his or her partner first. Not particularly passionate, the 2 still knows how to please -- and how to be pleased. Always keep in mind that the 2 is fragile, and if you break it, you will have to deal with some dangerously sharp fragments.

All in all, Sun Numbers 1, 5, 6, 8, and 9, have the best chance of stealing the heart of a 2.

The information came from Decoz.com

Sun Number: 1

People with a Sun Number 1 tend to have a stubborn, headstrong approach to changing circumstances. 1s are impulsice and not afraid of confrontations.

1s have energy to spare! Till they don't and then the recovery is long and hard. Sun Number 1s respond to quickly and miss subtle signs.

Pride can be the downfall of this headstrong number. Successful Sun Number 1s have learned the need to be humble and remember that much has been given to them.

In love, the Sun Number 1 is passionate, but needs to dominate -- and it has a bit of jealous streak. While the 1 Sun Number is original and creative, it could use a more subtle and romantic approach. The 1 is anything but intuitive and has a tendency to misread his or her partner.

Numerology's most compatible Sun Numbers for the 1 are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9; all odd numbers except for the 2, which happens to be its most fitting romantic partner.

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The 1 Sun Number can be quite demanding, yet it is also extremely protective of its partner. The one trait that is pretty much guaranteed to ruin a relationship with the 1 is when he or she feels a lack of respect or sense that he or she is being taken for granted. Otherwise, the 1 has a thick skull and an even thicker skin. You can be as direct as you want to be -- the 1 can handle it.

The information came from Decoz.com