

Life Cycle Numbers

How To Find Your Life Cycle Numbers

Image result for rings in a tree

Reduce each of the month, the day, and the year of birth to a single digit number to get your three life cycles. So October 13th, 1971 becomes

Month= 10 = 1+0 = 1  

Day= 13 = 1+3 = 4

Year= 1971 = 1+9+7+1 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 

The Month reduced equals the Early life Cycle Number  

The Day reduced equals the Middle Life Cycle Number
The Year reduced equals the Late Life Cycle Number

Early Life Cycle – any time from age 25 to 35
Middle Life Cycle – any time from age 26 to 61
Later Life Cycle- from 58 to death

Interpretations for Early Life Cycle Number

Early Life Cycle Number 1

You were a strong-willed, talented and independent child. You
may have left home at an early age. Your career often gets
off to a great start, as you are so ambitious. Your self-
confidence and individuality brings you prodigious successes
in life. Although the influence is generally positive, you
may have had difficulty with your parents or authority
figures that may have never been able to manage your innate

Early Life Cycle Number 2

You were probably a very sensitive and difficult child. Your
early years may have been traumatic, even abusive and many of
your emotions may be suppressed as a result. You have a great
deal of drive and ambition but usually this comes from a
sense of insecurity that you need to prove you are better
than others are. Handling your emotions and keeping
relationships and situations in perspective might be
difficult for you during the first thee decades of your life.

Early Life Cycle Number 3

You were an intelligent, inquisitive child with a
photographic memory and the ability to absorb information quickly. This number denotes you as possessing a creative

talent that in some way may have been recognized or exploited
by older people. You make friends (including the kind that
can help you with your career) easily. Your first three
decades may have been spent as a performer or artist and
often this number brings some measure of fame (or infamy)
with it.

Early Life Cycle Number 4

You were intelligent, patient and humanistic as a child but
your expression may have been stifled by a childhood filled
with discipline and restrictions. It can also indicate early
years that were filled with poverty or abuse. Usually a
person with this number has to fight great odds to succeed
and often they do. The upside of this is that you have a
stamina, empathy and self-sufficiency during this period that
are normally not characteristic of others of comparable
experience or age.

Early Life Cycle Number 5

Divorce, separation or an emotionally ill parent may have
marked your childhood. You are sensitive, intelligent and
have a wonderful imagination. However these virtues might
fuel a tendency towards escapism and addictive behavior. You
may also be plagued by insecurity and indecision, which makes
it difficult for you to settle on one goal or vocation. Often
5s are late bloomers or switch careers every few years
because they are so restless. It is a 5 who is most likely to
interrupt education with travel.

Early Life Cycle Number 6

You were a bit of an old soul, even as a child. This number
is about self-sacrifice for the greater good of the whole.
You may have had to care for siblings or support a family
thanks to an irresponsible or absent parent. You often stick
close to your family well into your twenties and may fear
reprisal if you leave the nest. Sixes are often late bloomers
in life, as the first three decades of their lives are filled
with a lack of opportunity to put themselves first.
Early Life Cycle Number 7

You will probably be identified as a genius early on in life

and depending on your circumstances either be reviled for it
or encouraged to be a prodigy. You may not have many friends,
which is fine as you live in the world of books and
knowledge. Chances are that you spend your first thirty years
feeling left out of things and misunderstood. Rather than
fight to gain approval, you may have opted to be alone. Your
find kindred spirits in academically minded friends and

Early Life Cycle Number 8

You may have been born into wealthy circumstances or into a
status conscious household where the prime focus was money.
Children and young adults with this number often mistake sex
for affection. They also appear shallow or materialistic. You
may spend your first three decades feeling as if something is
missing. You have the potential to make a great deal of money
before you are thirty but this may create more strife than
happiness in your life.

Early Path Number 9

This signifies a very difficult and emotionally stressful
childhood. You may spend your first thirty years focusing on
others rather than yourself in order to please an abusive or
mentally ill parent. Behavioral issues and addictions may
also plague a Life Cycle Number 9 who often gets off to a
slow start with regards to academic or career. More than any
other number, nines have the cruelest circumstances to
overcome yet somehow, their hardship also leads to more
spiritual sophistication.

Early Path Number 11

This master number generally produces a child that may be a
bit of a genius, but also to some extent crippled by a “gift”
of some kind. Number 11 youngsters often feel very out of
place as they often possess enhanced intuition or great
intelligence however their parents usually cannot afford to
cultivate these gifts. Many 11s often suffer from emotional imbalances and nervous problems until after age 28 when they
learn to handle their talents.

Interpretations for Middle Life Cycle Number

Middle Life Cycle Number 1

You will enjoy a healthy, productive adult life. Usually this
period is devoted to working hard to realize a great dream.
Typically you have launched out on your own and are enjoying
running a thriving business. The temptation is to live a life
that is all work and no play. Taking time out to smell the
flowers is recommended for these adults who are driven by a
ambition and a need to be the best.

Middle Life Cycle Number 2

You are fated to work with others or as part of a team. Your
success is very dependent on the success of those around you
so during this period you have probably greatly enhanced your
personal and social skills. Striking out on your own does not
work as well for you as selling someone else’s abilities. You are blessed with loving relationships and many friends who
appreciate your loving support.

Middle Life Cycle Number 3

Things come easily to an adult number 3, especially money.
However, you spend it as fast as you make it. You probably
lead a creative and carefree life. You make the most money
using your artistic talents. You a very popular individual
although your love life may be filled with a series of
relationships rather than just one solute. Watch out for a
tendency to be too generous or extravagant and remember to
save money for your old age!

Number Middle Life Cycle Number 4

You are most likely a very calm, stable and reliable
personality who can handle a great deal of responsibility.
You are more likely to be in a conservative occupation. You
are likely to save a great deal of money during these years.
You health can be risked by working too hard. You are a loyal
individual who often lucks out by finding a mate for life.
You are a great parent and are fated to have lots of

Number Middle Life Number Cycle 5

You may feel a bit lost in life or like you are having
difficulty settling down. You are an impulsive individual who
is fated to go through a series of jobs and relationships.
This because you become bored very easily. You prefer a life
that is full of adventures over security and stability and as
a result break many hearts. You are destined to travel or
pursue exotic experiences simply to satisfy your endless

Middle Life Cycle Number 6

You may feel like you have to work harder than others to make
a living. This is a very karmic path and it may be difficult
for you to get ahead in anyway without first making personal
sacrifices or promising to share your wealth with others. Even at this stage in your life you may find yourself taking
care of your family or other people’s families. Your adult
years really do suit the phrase “you get your rewards in
heaven, rather than on earth.”

Middle Life Cycle Number 7

Sevens are often fated to continually pursue an academic
career and if not they are usually passionate about learning
about some subject on your own. Many adult sevens are loners
and eccentrics so they may suffer from social problems that
make it difficult to find a partner or suitable employment.
The “real world” may seem boring to you so your challenge is
to try not to drift so far away from society that you are

Middle Life Cycle Number 8

Your adult years are likely blessed with supremely high
levels of attainment. You are destined to be wealthy and in a
leadership position. You have a knack for making wise
investments and when it comes to achieving your goals, the
sky is the limit for you. You are probably a pillar of the
community and if you are attentive to your friends and family
you wall probably enjoy harmonious relationships throughout
your adult life.

Middle Life Cycle Number 9

Your adult years may be highly concerned with spiritual
matters and self-investigation. You are probably a
humanitarian who is less materialistic than others. Your
natural generosity often hinders you from saving much money
however others are deeply grateful for your compassion and
empathy. You may not accomplish much in terms of career or
education but you are sure to be blessed by many fans and

Middle Life Cycle Number 11

You are so concerned with spiritual and ethical matters and
changing the world for the better that it may be difficult
for you to find suitable employment. Chances are that you
will spend a lot of time travelling or seeking out the truth
about life. Many of you are adepts at metaphysics. Teaching, healing and uplifting others best maximizes your spiritual
talents. Nervous disorders and nervous breakdowns are also
common for adult 11's because they are so sensitive to

Middle Life Cycle Number 22

You are a spiritually advanced individual can achieve great
things as an adult. However you need to be prepared to
recognize the many opportunities that do come your way as
opposed to cultivating a Zen like state of bliss. Usually 22's
do very well in any occupation they choose but as they are
master builders they should try to launch a great new scheme
of some kind whether it be related to science, business,
lifestyle or metaphysics.

Interpretations for Later Life Cycle Number

Later Life Cycle Number 1

There is no such thing as early retirement for you. In fact you will probably receive your greatest claim and fame in your later years. You are more active than most seniors and may even begin a new career while many others are simply kicking back and taking it easy!

Later Life Cycle Number 2

You are destined to live out your later years with one special loved one. This harmonious number that promises you health, love and a comfortable financial situation. There will be plenty of time and money for socializing, spending quality time with family and pursuing your favorite hobbies.

Later Life Cycle Number 3

You may develop a second career as an artist or an entertainer. If you already one you may keep working or producing until your health prohibits it. This life cycle number can also indicate fame later in life. Things should come easily to you and you are sure to enjoy the company of both old & young friends.

Later Life Cycle Number 4

Either through necessity or choice you may find yourself working many years longer than most people. Many people with this life cycle find it hard to give up control of the empire they have worked so hard to achieve. A s you probably have spawned a huge family you ma continue working to support your brood. Taking care of others makes you the happiest at this stage.

Later Life Cycle Number 5

You are likely to spend you later years travelling around the world or pursuing some eclectic hobby or interest. You are likely to be unburdened by financial problems and will have the freedom to chase any dream that you like. Your natural friendliness, curiosity and telling a good story makes you especially beloved by children and grand children. It is very important for you to avoid boredom.

Later Life Cycle Number 6

You are likely to be very content and financially secure, Your family and especially your partner and grandchildren become the most important concerns in your life. Chances are that you become very active in your family life and act as a secondary provider to your own children, It is a six that is most likely to adopt a child later in life.

Later Life Cycle Number 7

In your later years you may prefer to be by yourself to the extent that you are perceived as too introverted or isolated by others. This is because you prefer reading or pursuing studies that you never were able to in the earlier part of your life. You will be very independent and most likely develop an interest in metaphysical of spiritual hobbies. Quantum physics is a familiar passion of elderly 7’s.

Later Life Cycle Number 8

You are the pillar of the community who has probably amassed a prodigious amount of wealth. As you have few concerns, you can pursue any recreational or adventurous activities that you choose. However your responsible nature often finds you pursuing a second career that might have something to do with politics, religion, or philanthropy. You may also be signaled out for an award or some kind of specialized acclaim.

Later Life Cycle Number 9

You are a cheery and content individual who is grateful for all the lessons that life has provided you. You are abridge believer in positive thought and believe that mankind can be healed by maintaining a positive attitude. You live by your convictions and often demonstrate your benevolence through acts of charity, healing and educating. others.

Later Life Cycle Number 11

In your later years you are mainly concerned with spirituality an in particular finding peace of mind in a troubled world. You may explore new religions or travel far and wide to find answers to the human condition. Your religious bent may also lead you to a religious or spiritual career of some kind. Money may also matter little to you and may give a great deal of your wealth away.

Later Life Cycle Number 22

You are likely to enjoy health and vitality in your later years but age may bring out latent psychic talents and sensitivities. This is why it is crucial for you to take time out to soothe your nerves. This might be a challenge for you as 22 number seniors are always on the go. This may not be a time of retirement for you but rather a time when you achieve more than you have in your entire life.

Alternative Interpretations

Life Cycle Numbers: Alternate Interpretations

One Cycle

The years of courage, originality, exploration,
and independent thinking

An early One Cycle demands that you develop individuality to the highest point.  This challenging influence conditions you to think of yourself as independent, different and adventurous—which could define your personality throughout life.  You enjoy mental activities of all kinds, such as writing, designing, or inventing.  You like the idea of having your own business, or find that you excel at something.   You enjoy thinking outside the box. It’s important to you to feel that you are not going to live a conventional or boring life.

A One Cycle occurring in the mature period from age 36 to 54 indicates some form of outstanding accomplishment.  For example, you may run your own business or find yourself in leadership roles.  Your field of endeavor usually involves the possibility of a high-profile career, innovation, or competition, rather than one that is traditional or where you become lost in the crowd.  You must make your way to the top through your own efforts.

A late One Cycle from age 54 onward's, while it offers great opportunity for outstanding achievement, could be difficult as you face the need to re-invent yourself. After retirement from one field, you may start over in a completely new career. This could also be the time when you break away from restrictions, and are finally able to establish your own business. Since the One demands continued effort and growth, you may very likely change your entire life-style during this period, making it, perhaps, the most exciting time of your life.  Even if committed in a romantic relationship, you deeply desire to maintain your individuality and freedom.

Two Cycle

The years of association, relationship, and balance

An early Two Cycle from birth to age 28-35 conditions you to be sensitive and understanding, but somewhat timid or shy.  During this period you crave affection, and may have been either spoiled or overlooked as a child. Strong connections develop with your mother or other women. Circumstances require you to be keenly aware of the feelings of others and listen to your intuition; you learn how to keep the peace and get along. Relationships—while sometimes providing the path to new experiences--can be somewhat frustrating, especially if you feel you must subordinate yourself to the demands of stronger personalities.  You are more likely to accept life as it is, rather than strike out on your own.

In maturity, the Two Cycle allows you to accumulate knowledge, build friendships and partnerships, and develop artistic or psychological skills. This influence gives you the focus and patience to take care of important details and do things well. Obstacles, while at first seeming to be distractions, turn out to give you time to come up with workable and elegant solutions.  Opportunities tend to show up at the right time; you accept rather than assertively push

As a late Cycle, Two highlights an interest in the areas of art, music, crafts, and drama.  You enjoy good friendships as well as a loving partnership.  You have a chance to work in a patient manner with those who look to you for support. Money is sufficient to cover necessities and even a few personal luxuries (e.g., a collection of china, a deluxe camera, a laptop, or a drum set.)  You may retire early, living quietly in pleasant surroundings with a dear companion.

Three Cycle

The years of creativity, pleasure, social life,
and spontaneity

An early Three Cycle (birth to age 28) usually indicates a desire to explore different areas of life, especially the more social and pleasurable areas (which could result in scattered energies or false starts.)  You are attracted to stimulation—looking for activities where music, the arts, performing, or travel are prominent.  You tend to take short-term jobs such as bar tending and waiting tables, or jobs requiring imagination such as marketing, sales, or teaching. While finances may go from one extreme to another, you feel that life flows towards you, moving easily from one thing to another.  You are not inclined to serious, intellectual learning, but to the expression of what you already know.

During a mature phase, the Three Cycle sometimes indicates a tendency to drift into several different type of jobs—as you seek something that sustains your interest. Your greatest help comes through social contacts. Your attitude may be humorous, youthful, easy come easy go. Since the Three encourages creativity of any kind, you may be involved in parenting, as well as in artistic pursuits.  Money usually appears when you need it, but it’s important not to sabotage yourself by with an extravagant life-style beyond your means. Self-employment or commission work is usually favored over a nine-to-five job.

In a late Three Cycle, you come to realize that life works better when you maintain a positive attitude.  You may even be surprised at how easily things come when you spend a little time using your imagination to affirm your goals. Despite a few challenges (usually of your own making) life tends to feel good; you are able to find joy in little things. As a last Cycle, you can look forward to a possible early retirement, ease from financial worry, and the opportunity to travel.  If you are the creative type, you may have time to write a best-seller or take up painting!  You will most certainly be surrounded by a circle of friends who are youthful, supportive, and enthusiastic.

Four Cycle

The years of consistent effort, practicality,
and building a strong foundation
A first Four Cycle, (starting from birth to between age 28-36,)conditions you to take a realist's view of life. Tradition, family, and social pressures heavily influence your thinking toward the practical. Four tends to encourage you to take service jobs, marry early, and happily take on family responsibilities. Attraction to discipline may encourage some to join the military. This is a productive time, and economy and perseverance are your key words for success.

In the mature phase of life between ages 28 to 56, a Four Cycle you are given opportunities to build.  Your success comes from careers involving construction, energy conservation, business administration, transportation systems, food, agriculture, accounting, or government. A reliable and dedicated manager, you are the backbone of any organization. While you instinctively understand the power of saving money, investing, or buying property, you must never become too overly frugal, miserly, or pessimistic. You generally enjoy the demands of your work without grumbling too much. Even though you tend to keep your thoughts to yourself, recognition for your efforts brings a great deal of satisfaction.

A late phase Four Cycle (starting approximately age 56-61) helps you maintain strong family ties and responsibilities; it rewards you with a sense of belonging.  Long-time friends are very important. If looking ahead to a last Cycle of Four, don’t fear this practical number.  Start now to build for security; you may choose to keep working past retirement age as a way to not only pay the bills, but to stay connected to a sense of purpose.

Five Cycle

The years of exploration and enthusiasm

As a first Cycle, Five encourages you to live life by your own rules and values (even if you come from a traditional background). Whether you are overtly rebellious or just restless for adventure, you want to explore and experiment.  Outgoing and magnetic, you have a wide variety of friends.  You deeply enjoy the feeling of freedom and unknown possibilities whenever you travel, move, or change jobs. In youth and young adulthood, your purpose is to experience life in a broad way, rather than settling into a narrow or routine path. You may marry early, but your craving for independence may eventually end the relationship.

A mid-life Five Cycle throws constant change your way.  You develop resourcefulness as you handle changing or uncertain circumstances.  You learn a little about a lot of things.  It’s likely that you will be self-employed or that your work involves public contact. For example, you may work in communications, news media, retails sales, advertising, transportation, performing, or travel. Domestic responsibilities may prove challenging during the active Five Cycle.  Life can seem to have turned out very differently from what you had originally envisioned when younger!

A last Five Cycle suggests that you will be active, healthy, and busy, unburdened by financial or domestic worries. You may finally have the free time you craved in earlier times to pursue various interests or travel.

Six Cycle

The years of responsibility, family life,
and security
An early Six Cycle conditions you to take care of others.  You develop reliability and excel at teaching or service work as well as handling domestic responsibilities. While having strong opinions of your own, you unconsciously adopt the values of your family and social milieu. Enthusiastic and dedicated--but not necessarily a free thinker-- you tend towards the tried and true and are slightly repelled by those who seem irresponsible. While your role in your original family tends to remain a strong focus, it’s likely that you will enter into an early, long-lasting marriage of your own.

A mature phase Six Cycle tends to surround you with close friendships, marriage, and family ties.  You have many opportunities to teach, advise, or care for others. Generally, you avoid the untried in favor of familiarity and security.

A last Six Cycle brings the rewards of family, security, and comfort. In teaching others, you will find yourself giving back the experience you gained in youth.  Life  generally provides you with what makes you feel happy, harmonious, and comfortable.  It’s important to remember to take time to nurture your own needs as well as attend to the demands of circumstances. It’s possible you must care for elderly family members.

Seven Cycle

The years of spiritual and intellectual development
A first Seven Cycle can sometimes be a difficult on a young person because you may not feel that you fit in with “the norm.” Circumstances may prevent you from feeling close to your family, or they may not be the people you wish they were.  Religion (if thrust upon you by religious parents) can sometimes bring limitations or a narrow upbringing.  Despite whatever spiritual orientation your parents have, however, you yourself naturally ponder the deep questions of life from an early age. Discovery of family secrets may alter your sense of identity.. Unusual circumstances, however, bring the opportunity for deeper understanding and awareness of life's mysteries (if not resisted or denied). Intuitive, observant, and sensitive, you may see things others miss. Because of your need to understand and know, you may develop eccentricities or special abilities in artistic, mathematical, technical, or scientific fields.

In mature phase Seven Cycle encourages you to focus.  You become known for something you do well—such as research, analysis, or intellectual pursuits. You attract people with specialized knowledge.  Selective in both your activities and your friends, you may live an unconventional lifestyle—or even choose to live in a foreign country.

A late Seven Cycle encourages soul development.  You care less about what others think, and crave time for reflection.  You may choose to live more simply and be closer to nature. You enjoy time to study, meditate, write, and think. While guarding your time for solitary pursuits, you also enjoy good conversations with off-beat, but intelligent people from all walks of life. Your best domestic relationship will either be with someone who has similar core values, or with someone who is very self-sufficient people who respects your privacy and time as well.  If you have a niche or specialty, people will come to you for what you know without your having to do much to market yourself.  Finances earned in your career tend to be there for your retirement; you also prefer to live inexpensively and simply, with a few well-chosen items.

Eight Cycle

The years of power, striving, achievement,
and material success

As a first Cycle Eight encourages you to be realistic, hardworking, and to make your way up the ladder.  Self-esteem and natural leadership mark your early years, and you are often recognized as a “go-getter.”  The quest for a good lifestyle, money, and professional status give you the energy to work hard for what you want. Your natural habitat tends to be in a corporation, government, the military, or a financial institution.  A first Cycle of Eight conditions you to be always on the alert for how to “work the system.”

During a mid-life Eight Cycle (approximately between ages 28 to 56), opportunities for  supervisory roles, such as an executive or professional (or being married to one) are extremely likely. Social and financial pressures encourage a rational and business-type way of thinking, rather than an emotional response.  The stresses of an Eight Cycle can be so intense that your find it hard to get enough sleep or exercise, and may interfere with family relationships if you are rarely home!  Worried about losing ground, you feel you must always be making progress, and usually do create substantial material wealth.

A last Eight Cycle may mean that you prefer to delay retirement for many years.  When you do retire, your natural problem-solving ability and the need to keep busy are likely to develop a hobby into a highly lucrative business! At any time, the Eight brings productivity, business interests, respect, and power, but especially so in the years when your expertise has been well-developed.

Nine Cycle

The years of understanding, compassion,
service, and wealth
As a first Cycle Nine (starting at birth to approximately ages 28-36) often indicates a striking maturity in an individual. Since the Nine is always interested in a broad range of subjects, you may find it hard to choose a career path.  Naturally passionate and usually liberal in perspective, you may gravitate to working for the good of others in humanitarian causes. Under this expansive and universal vibration, you tend to learn new things easily—from life experience as well as books. Good fortune or synchronistic opportunities seem to drop from the sky.  This period is developing your emotional side, and even crises are later seen to be avenues for growth. Your early adult task is to develop a philosophical attitude—accepting what life brings you (and listening to your intuition before making decisions.)

In mid-life a Nine Cycle (roughly age 36 to 56) you tend to be interested in the arts, drama, higher education, paths of healing, or spiritual activity. A desire to work for the benefit of others (especially on a volunteer basis) is very likely.  Advocacy and fund-raising for disadvantaged people can bring a great sense of purpose and fulfillment.  For some, long-distance travel and work with foreigners is highly indicated.  You tend to have both wealthy friends in high places, as well as humble people about whom you deeply care.

A late Nine Cycle (starting about age 56 and influencing you the rest of your life) provides many opportunities for sharing your experience and wisdom.  By this time, you feel comfortable with who you have become, and have understood some of life’s questions by what you have learned through hard experience. You feel like giving back to the world.  With a feeling of gratitude, you don’t worry about small things, and take life in stride.  Sometimes you quietly make personal sacrifices if you can help another.  As a last Cycle, Nine promises a sense of fulfillment, in both a spiritual and material sense. You may greatly enjoy being a mentor, involved grandparent, or philanthropist.

Information from: Carol Adrienne

Pinnacles and Challenges: Basics

The Pinnacles are four separate numbers derived from your date of birth. The numbers represent the four stages of life.

Think of these numbers as a blue print to your life. Each number is an energy that surrounds and influences you throughout your life.

Here's the formula for finding your pinnacles

First Pinnacle = Month of Birth + Day of Birth
Second Pinnacle = Day of Birth + Year of Birth
Third Pinnacle = First Life Stage Number + Second Life Stage Number
Fourth Pinnacle = Month of Birth + Year of Birth

Pinnacle 1:

This is a period requiring much independence, courage, resiliency, and initiative. You must bounce back after many difficult experiences. The challenge of this Pinnacle is to gain will power.
There is not a lot of support from others or from family. You must draw from your own strength. You will have to guard against self pity or surrender.
Keep focused on your dreams. This Pinnacle will require an iron will to keep hold of your goals, and also the flexibility to maneuver around difficulties, and bend with the winds of adversity.
This is a period of rapid self-improvement and growth. You will be forced to use every talent and capability you possess. You will need to be resourceful.
You must continually put out effort, but with it comes great reward. Without it, there is no accomplishment nor satisfaction, only a negative attitude toward life.
Be careful not to become too self centered, headstrong or self important. Be strong but flexible. Be open to the counsel of others, but make up your own mind.
The benefit of this Pinnacle number is a strong sense of your individuality and strength. You will know what you are made of. There are many hidden gifts in this period, perhaps the greatest of which is faith.
Your Pinnacle provides you with the characteristics of leadership, boldness, and daring. You will have many unconventional ideas and the skill and courage to make them a reality. Your abilities to manage and organize people and institutions are greatly enhanced. You have vision and confidence in the worth of your dreams.
These characteristics provide great opportunity for success and major accomplishments.

Pinnacle 2:

This Pinnacle causes you to be extremely sensitive, intuitive, and full of insight. It is a period that requires patience and the development of inner awareness. You are being asked to use gentle power and persuasion to obtain your desired goals. Direct approaches, forceful displays, and confrontations will likely work against you. You will find the most satisfactory roles to be supportive. You are now a gifted adviser, a diplomat and a peacemaker. Your insight into other people's feelings and motivations is so acute that you seem to be able to see right to the core of things. But rather than use these gifts to create differences between people, you must use them to create peace, to mend rifts, to harmonize.
Your challenge during this period is to bring balance to duality in every form, and at every level. You will recognize the value of both sides of an argument and be able to see the middle ground where peace can be made. You can create the atmosphere in which both sides can compromise and work harmoniously. You are the glue that keeps people and important projects together.
The weaknesses you must face and overcome are too much sensitivity. You may be tempted to indulge your feelings, to be too easily hurt. You may lack self-confidence, especially at the beginning of the Pinnacle when your heightened sensitivity and awareness make you conscious of your own shortcomings. You may succumb to fear and hesitation. All of this can lead to emotional turmoil.
You need courage and the willingness to reach out for support.
Your sensitivity will make you acutely appreciative of beauty and harmonious environments. At the same time, you need beauty and harmony around you.
You have an increased appetite for music and the arts in general. You may find that your musical talents coming to the surface. If you do not already play an instrument, give in to any inclination to take one up.
A person in a 2 Pinnacle who uses his or her sensitivity, understanding, and insight is very appreciated by others. You may not fully realize just how much others appreciate and respect you. This may cause you to feel undervalued, or that you are not getting the recognition you deserve.
You appear shy and humble, particularly if this is your first Pinnacle, but inside there is much pride that must be kept in check.
You may want to hide from the tumult of life, or from difficult situations. This may tempt you to color the facts in order to protect harmony. Be careful of this tendency, because it often backfires.
You have an eye for precision and detail. Your taste in all aspects of life is enhanced and you possess a certain class that others admire. If you make the most of these qualities, your appearance is considerably improved, making you both attractive and graceful.
The world depends on those who maintain harmony and balance.

Pinnacle 3:

This is a highly creative period. Your self-expression is greatly enhanced. Your creative and artistic talents will peak. You should do everything possible to refine these abilities and make the most of them. Many under the 3 Pinnacle are drawn to writing, the theater, singing, and dance. Your chances of success are also heightened. Hard work in any artistic field that one has a talent for can result in much reward.
This is also a highly social and emotional time. You attract friends and admirers with your charm and gregarious nature.
You have the ability to inspire and motivate people. Your upbeat energy causes people to want to work with and for you.
This is a lucky period, as well. You can overcome problems with considerably less effort than in the past.
All of this can lead to self-indulgence and lack of productivity. Life is a little easier, which can make you less vigilant. You need focus and discipline. Under the influence of this Pinnacle, hard work is the key and the challenge to making the most of your opportunities.
Be careful of impulsive behavior or doing things on a lark. You must know your limits during this period. Be careful of your money; balance your accounts. Guard against disorderly thinking and behavior. Otherwise, you may do things you regret or simply squander away so many opportunities.
Children born under this Pinnacle must be disciplined and kept from being spoiled. An early education in the arts will inspire the child to make the most of his or her artistic talents.

Pinnacle 4:

This is a Pinnacle of hard work and many rewards. You have the opportunity to build a foundation that will last. Your abilities as an organizer, manager, or simply the rock of any institution are greatly increased. You are dependable and reliable. Your ability to fulfill responsibilities is likewise enhanced.
As a result of your industry and perseverance, success is well within your reach. It is a step-by-step process in which you build something by small bricks laid one after another.
You will find yourself caring for others in a very material way. Family and in-laws can be burdensome, since you are seen as the cornerstone of the foundation.
Your life is preoccupied with details and responsibilities that must be taken care of. You have set in motion projects that are your children, demanding your constant attention. While there are many rewards, there are also many frustrations. Your sense of your own limits and the consuming nature of details may at times seem overwhelming.
You must remember that things that last require slow growth. You may mistakenly believe that your progress should be faster, or happen with greater ease.
The need for efficiency, orderliness, and methodical systems limit your creativity.
Your challenge is to be flexible and adaptable. Learn to play more and allow yourself to be more spontaneous.
Children born under this Pinnacle will tend to be serious and affected by the financial limitations of their parents. The child may feel the need to leave home early and start a family of his own. He or she must be encouraged to be more farsighted and flexible. The child should avoid jumping into the harsh realities of life too soon.

Pinnacle 5:

This is a period that will teach the realities of freedom and expansion. You will travel great distances, meet many new and interesting people, experience many adventures, and essentially come to know the world. You are in a period of accelerated experimentation and learning. Experience is your teacher.
Your ability with words is greatly increased. You can write and speak with ease. You are also able to successfully promote yourself. In fact, this is the source of much adventure; new opportunities for work, travel, and exotic experiences present themselves with regularity.
Your challenge is to prevent yourself from becoming a rolling stone. You need to ground yourself in a particular discipline, career, or relationship. This will not limit your freedoms so much as give you a base for operation. Otherwise, you may find yourself skipping from one meaningless job to the next, one superficial relationship after another. You can also fall victim to the abuse of food, alcohol, sex, or drugs.
You may fear being anchored or tied down, which can cause you to skim the surface of a pursuit you enjoy, or important relationships.
You must come to know the true meaning of freedom, which is unconditional love. You give your love and energy without the condition of holding on to a place, a person, or an occupation; and you expect the same in return - to be loved for what you are, rather than someone who belongs to another. There is a highly spiritual path offering itself that requires detachment without loss of love.
Many turn away from this and instead choose to maintain a superficial relationship with the world, or with other people.
You must cultivate your talents, especially your verbal and writing abilities. You are likely a gifted salesperson, or promoter.
You must accept limitations as a necessary base for your freedom. Freedom cannot exist without limitations, otherwise you would be without identity, and without existence.

Pinnacle 6:

Under this Pinnacle you will be very involved with family, friends, and your community. You will face an increase in responsibilities and duties, but you have a greatly enhanced sense of balance and perspective that allows you to handle emotional issues well.
Your family demands much of your attention. Matters involving spouse and children require much security, love, and sacrifice. You are the centerpiece of your family, the one people come to for solace and understanding. You may feel an increased burden, as you carry the cares of many. You will experience a deep sense of being needed.
This Pinnacle is full of love, closeness, and warmth, but you must rise to the challenges that close relationships bring. You must settle and bring harmony to personal conflicts between others. You are often the only one with perspective in a conflict. It is as if you are the keeper of justice, bringing understanding and compromise to situations that are polarized.
Under the influences of this Pinnacle - especially at its outset - people are often married or start families. Children are born, in-laws come into your life. You are the nucleus of a little world.
You must maintain your dignity. This is a period that makes it easier to sacrifice, but you can overdo it, becoming a doormat for others to step on simply to maintain a degree of peace. Know your limits and maintain healthy relationships.
This is a fine period for growth in business and financial matters. You attract people with resources who can help to further your personal goals. Moreover, you are balanced in your approach to business affairs. This can bring many rewards.
Your heightened sense of harmony and your genuine compassion makes you an excellent counselor and healer, especially if you already have native talent in any of these areas.
Personal health matters can also surface, causing you to reflect on diet, exercise, and other health habits.
Your desire to help others is also increased. But this can lead you to poke yourself into situations where you do not belong, or delve too deeply into other people's personal affairs. Be careful not to meddle or interfere.
The 6 Pinnacle is a time of progress and growth as a full human being. You are capable of developing yourself in many different directions - as a loving mate and parent; a sound businessperson; and as a pillar of your community. The time requires the balance you possess, since you can easily stretch yourself in too many directions and ultimately feel burned out by the demands in your milieu.

Pinnacle 7:

This is a period of inner development and soul searching. You will deal with the deeply important questions of personal existence and the meaning of life. You will need time to be alone to contemplate your inner world. This is a time of spiritual growth. You will experience a heightened sense of faith. The power of the universe will be the force that carries you along.
You have an enhanced appreciation of poetry and nature. Walks in nature provide great therapeutic value and spiritual nourishment.
This is a time of specialization. You will pursue some course of development with fervor and focus. Your ability to concentrate will be greatly increased. Your desire to study in all forms - reading, self reflection, and contemplation - will reach an all-time high. Your intuition is much more sensitive, making your path a little easier and more direct, since you know intuitively the appropriate next step.
Under this Pinnacle, you will become an expert in one particular field. Your capacity to penetrate the depths of a subject area is enormous. You will look below the surface in virtually everything you encounter. It is very possible that you will find yourself in a teaching role.
You must consciously work on your closer relationships, especially with your spouse and children. You must explain that your desire to turn inward is not an escape or an avoidance of those you love, but a deep need for knowledge.
During this 7 Pinnacle, spiritual growth, increased knowledge, and wisdom are the big rewards. The 7 Pinnacle provides the basis for contentment in older age, because you now begin to understand life more deeply.
Your challenge is to avoid becoming critical or cynical of others. You can become so withdrawn from society that you look down on others. You may forget that you, too, are part of the imperfect human race. Sarcasm is the lowest form of communication, and a trap you could fall victim to.
Your desire to attain some high degree of perfection is sincere. But that pursuit can make you miserable if you lose perspective and fail to realize the relativity of human existence. Perfection is a Utopian goal, but an unrealistic ambition. It can cause you to be dissatisfied with yourself and others.
The 7 provides the possibility of true refinement, insight, and a high degree of wisdom. This deep understanding is the basis for self-love and true happiness.

Pinnacle 8:

Under the influences of this Pinnacle, you will have greatly enhanced talent for dealing successfully with business and finances. This is a time of material growth, a time of expansion and reward. It is the cycle of harvest.
The 8 Pinnacle also increases your personal power. You have sound judgment and vision. In fact, this is the basis of your financial success.
People sense your power and effectiveness. They defer to you much more easily, and look to you for answers. This makes it easier for you to use power without having to be a bully or force your way through situations. They perceive your ableness and want to join you in your vision. Others have faith in you.
You will be able to organize large enterprises. Problems do not threaten you so much as provide a challenge. You yourself sense your enhanced personal powers and feel a growing sense of stability and centeredness. You will be capable of influencing matter in an almost magical way. As a result, you are extremely goal oriented, moving toward the realization of your dreams with confidence and clarity.
Your challenge during this period is to maintain a hold on your human and spiritual values. You must remain balanced between heaven and earth. There will be enormous temptations to make money and status your only priorities, excluding the more human or immaterial matters entirely. This will undoubtedly lead to losses. You are being tested and instructed in the real value of money - it's natural place in life. If money is placed on a high altar, overshadowing all other facets of life, you will become its slave.
If you are balanced in your approach to money, and have proper perspective, this can be a truly rewarding period, both materially and spiritually. That is the true promise of the 8.
The number 8 symbolizes the balance between the finite and infinite, matter and spirit. It offers a great opportunity to grow.

Pinnacle 9:

This is a period in which you must identify with some larger project or goal that is bigger than you. Your greatest satisfaction will be in providing for others, as well as for yourself. Those in business will draw much personal gratification in knowing that they are helping their employees support their families. Those involved in social activism - a particularly appealing choice of careers during the 9 Pinnacle - will feel themselves strengthened by the knowledge that they are advancing the safety and well being of society. The 9 Pinnacle is a time in which you apply your energies to the good of the larger community.
As a result, there is an element of self-sacrifice present. To some degree, you must subordinate your personal priorities to those of a larger cause. We are not suggesting martyrdom, but making a conscious effort on your part to strike a balance between the good of your milieu and your own personal desires.
This is a good time for financial growth and progress in business affairs. It is a period in which you face a large challenge and must give yourself entirely to it.
The 9 Pinnacle also promises much reward in drama, writing and art. You have a heightened esthetic sense, and any latent artistic talent you already possess will be enhanced and brought to the surface. If you have been in business, you may suddenly be drawn to the arts as a benefactor or patron, supplying support for theater productions or artists.
You will feel an increased sense of social responsibility and compassion for the many. You will want to help those less fortunate than yourself and will likely apply yourself to some social cause or philanthropy. This is a period in which you feel a greater love for the good of your community, country, and the world.
Interestingly, you are not restricted by prejudice or boundaries of class or country. You see humanity as a whole. Your love is not personal, however, but for the many.
Many under the 9 Pinnacle are drawn to religion or philosophy and have the capacity to spread some doctrine or teaching.
In short, you are highly idealistic. You will likely travel extensively during this period and meet people from many walks of life.
No matter what your area of expertise, you have a chance not only for success but for fame.

Pinnacle 11:

This is a challenging period in which you are at a high point of sensitivity and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you can suffer much confusion over direction and identity. On the other hand, there is a wide open channel between the personal consciousness and the higher realms of the unconscious. You are constantly being inspired and even assaulted by information and insight.
Because of the intensity of these revelations, you must learn to ground your life in faith and a practical vocation that keeps your feet on the ground everyday.
This is a period of enormous spiritual and personal growth. You will come out of it with a highly uncommon clarity and understanding of life. At the same time, it is a period of enormous demands, emotionally and spiritually. Any attachment you might have to specific identity traits - who you think you are and why you are here, for example - is constantly challenged.
There is a desire to settle into some field or way of life to attain stability, but the energy of this Pinnacle is not allowing it. It is as if there is a destination, or destiny, to which you are being driven. You do not feel in control of this process. Instead, you are acutely aware of the forces that are shaping your life. You must surrender to them.
Meanwhile, you experience the emotional turmoil that can come with this highly charged period.
There is a definite, even compelling, sense of being different. You are aware of a feeling of receiving special attention from spiritual forces. Your perception of life is somehow more acute than others; you see more clearly and more spiritually due to your high degree of sensitivity. It is as if you have a perfectly accurate peripheral vision, in which everything stands out in sharp relief. At times you may feel that you can see into the souls of things.
At the same time, you may feel like a foreigner to the earth. You are completely impractical. Sometimes you may feel that you do not understand the workings of the physical world. Practical things escape you. You feel awkward and clumsy at times, and are aware perhaps how fluidly other lives are going. This increases your sense of being an outsider.
More important than all the awkwardness and feelings of being different is the overwhelming sense of having a purpose or a message to reveal that will make other people's lives happier, healthier, and more at peace. You want desperately to bring this out.
The challenge of the 11 Pinnacle is to remain grounded and attached to this dream. You must find practical and useful ways to be of service to others, at the same time developing yourself so that one day you may be able to bring forth that which is within you.
The influences of this period make you highly creative, innovative, and inventive. You have a completely unconventional approach to problems. Trust your intuition, seek harmonious settings to restore your sense of inner peace, and work hard to keep your feet on the ground. This period will bring great rewards on all levels, and with perseverance you will find your rightful place.

Pinnacle 22:

This is a demanding time in which all your personal power comes to the surface and is made available to you. At the same time, you face an enormous challenge in which all that power is needed. This challenges is both physical and spiritual. The physical side is obvious in some large enterprise or dream that you are struggling to make manifest. The spiritual side is more hidden, but just as important, in that one must deliver the full wealth of his spiritual understanding and vision to create something great and lasting for the general well being of society.
Your mental powers are greatly enhanced. At the same time, your determination and efficiency are proportionately increased, making you the master builder. The 22 is a Master Number, which means that you must perceive something large in the archetypal world and materialize it.
Everything you focus on is large - your plans are big and cover long periods of time; you envision making an enormous and lasting impact on the world. At the same time, your problems and challenges are equally large. You will have to devote yourself entirely to this dream. Without a full commitment to your largest ambitions, you will slip into frustrations and the world of broken dreams.
This is why the 22 Pinnacle is so demanding - nothing less than everything you've got is necessary to bring forth your full potential, and the gift you must give to the world. This is a Pinnacle of extremes.
You are not alone, however, in your struggle. There is much spiritual and material support to help you realize your plans. People are attracted to you who intuitively understand your larger purpose. You gain a close following of friends and supporters who feel enriched by participating in the dream you have articulated.
Courage is essential. You need confidence and faith to help you endure the challenges of the period and help you overcome the many obstacles in your path.
You are eminently practical during this period. Your approach to problems is methodical but bold. You are careful of details, yet courageous in your attack on the problems at hand. It is a period in which you must dive in, never hesitating over the possible consequences.
Your personal life will likely take a back seat to the excitement of the dream.
This is a Pinnacle of enormous potential requiring much effort. Your day has arrived. Now you must make the most of it.

Here's the formula for finding your challenges

First Challenge = Month of Birth - Day of Birth or reverse
Second Challenge = Day of Birth - Year of Birth or reverse
Third Challenge = First Life Stage Number - Second Life Stage Number or reverse
Fourth Challenge = Month of Birth - Year of Birth or reverse

Challenge Number 0: The zero challenge number tends to indicate no one specific area or challenge being greater than others. It can also mean a sort of mixed bag when it comes to minor challenges, but these are all designed to help you find your strength. 0 challenges are more about developing one’s strengths and having confidence in your abilities – becoming more well rounded.

Challenge Number 1: The challenge with one is learning to exert your independence and speak out authentically. One people tend to struggle with the need for approval from others from which they base their own sense of self-worth. The challenge is to value oneself enough to be unique.

Challenge Number 2: People with this challenge struggle with balance emotionally. They take criticism very personally and struggle to assert themselves. People with this challenge often shirk responsibility because they don’t want the pressure of others depending on them or because they are convinced that they can’t handle it. People with this challenge in full force tend to shrink back a lot.

Challenge Number 3: People with a 3 challenge number tend to have difficulty finishing what they start. They tend to multi-task in ways that are not effective and have many unfinished projects and goals that they struggle to reach. 3 people also tend to go on the defensive easily or “react” to situations rather than think them through. They have difficulty expressing themselves at times in ways that are healthy and productive.

Challenge Number 4: This challenge has a lot to do with procrastination and not working hard enough to reach one’s goals. Often this challenge can speak of going for the path of least resistance rather than really pushing your limits. When the 4 is your challenge number you are being pushed to be more assertive and efficient in your work habits.

Challenge Number 5: The 5 as a challenge indicates a high degree of impulsiveness and reckless behavior. The 5 is the number for freedom and adventure, but as a challenge it can indicate a need to tone it down a bit and to attain some discipline and foresight.

Challenge Number 6: People with a six challenge struggle with perfectionism. They demand too much of themselves and often those around them. As a result they can come off as cynical, too authoritarian, and too critical. People with this challenge need to learn to lighten up a bit, and unconditional love and acceptance of both self and others are their lessons.

Challenge Number 7: Unexpressed emotions, difficulty accepting concepts that defy “norms”, and being too overly analytical can be themes of the 7 challenge number. People with this challenge tend to be overly analytical, dismissing anything that does not coincide with their own sense of logic. As a result people with a 7 challenge are not as open minded or open to new experiences as they could or should be.

Challenge Number 8: Materialism above all else tends to be the theme of the 8 challenge number. People with this challenge give too much importance to material affairs and may rely upon social status and money to provide their sense of self-worth or value. It can be tempting for people with this challenge to resort to less than scrupulous tactics in their business ventures and they need to work to better balance the material world with their spiritual side.

There is no 9 challenge number. When we calculate these numbers the largest reduction number in single digits is an 8.